💖chapter forty three💖

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"Go in first", she opened the door. "Why?", I asked.

"Just trust me and go in", she told me again, pushing me in while she stood at the door watching. I wasn't able to protest. Infact, I wasn't given any chance to.

Pushed inside, I nervously stood staring at a lady who I guess is in her forties, and a man I presume her husband. "Monica darling. What brings you here baby?", he sounded so happy as he rushed to hug me.

"I-i-i... ", I stammered. The lady stood up from where she was seating and walked to where I was standing. She stared at me from head to toe like she was inspecting my appearance. "This is not monica", she finally spilled.

"What are you talking about sweetheart, this is our daughter", the man chuckled.

"I know monica and she's not her", she firmly said but quickly.

I just stood watching them argue whether I'm Monica or not. I turned around to look at Monica who was laughing at the scene she created.

"Okay guys", I called their attention, instantly they stopped arguing and fixed their gaze on me. "I'm not Monica. Mom's right".

He opened his mouth but not a single word came out. "Yeah. You heard right daaaad. Even though it sounds awkward calling you both dad and mom, I just have to get used to it", I said rolling my eyes to every corner of the house but not their faces.

"You... you are.. are.. What's the name Monica told us darling", he asked his wife while trying to think of the name.

"Maureen. Yeah, Maureen",

"Oooh yes. Maureen. Wow, she indeed looks exactly like our baby monica", he smiled, as he widened his arms for another warm hug.

Monica sighed behind us. "Because she's my twin".


"Because she's my twin", I sighed. I was already tired watching them argue.

It took a while for mom and dad to digest what I just vomited. "Did yo.. you sa... say twin?", dad stammered. Mom was still in shock. I and Maureen helped her to a couch while dad went to get a glass of water for her.

After she drank the water and we were sure she was all okay, we helped ourselves with a twin couch. I and Maureen started giving eachother signs on who to start first.

I sighed. "Uhm, mommy. Uhm, Maureen here is actually my twin, your daughter too". I collected the letter from Maureen, stood up and gave it to mom, "I think this will explain better mom".

She broke down.

Dad was the first to grab and cuddle her before we joined. She kept on crying saying she must sue the nurse that's responsible.

"Mom, trust me when I say we won't. Everything happens for a reason. And we should be happy that we found her even though we never knew she existed. Its hard for all of us, I know that. But Maureen needs us. She needs all the love and care we can give",

The whole place became silent. "Mom was about to speak before we heard the door bell. "I will get that", I sighed getting up. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Love, why the long face? Aren't you happy to see me? Moreover you were the one who requested I come meet you here. Are you alright?", Raymond attacked me with questions immediately I opened the door.

"I'm fine baby. Come in", I moved aside. "Where's Kim?"

"She's packing the things we bought from the car", he replied. We both waited at the door until Kim showed up with her hands occupied with two bags. I collected one from her as we went in.

"Mommy, who is that?", Kim asked pointing at Maureen. "Darling, what did I say about pointing at people?", I scolded gently.

"I'm sorry mom", she apologized

"No. Not to me. You know what I mean, don't you?

She nodded. "I'm sorry ma", she sweetly apologized to Maureen.

"Awwwn. Cutie cutie. Come give aunty a hug", she responded. The hugged before Kim greeted her grandparents and ran upstairs.

Immediately Kim was out of sight, Ray and Maureen exchanged pleasantries.

"I can see you have met mom and dad", he smiled. "Sure I have", she smiled back. Mom, who was now calm smiled as Ray began to shower her with sweet words. Indeed, he's really good at sweet talking mom.

He exchanged few words with dad before they left us alone. Mom, Maureen and I.

At first, no one spoke as usual.

"I know", myself and Maureen spoke at the same time. We chuckled. "Go first", I told her.

"Thank you", she smiled. "I know it's hard for you to adapt to a child you never knew existed but if you can't take it. I can leave, and I promise never to show up again", she told mom, as tears flowed down.

"Maureen darling. Don't stay that. Come here", she said, as Maureen stood up and sat on her laps. "In as much I'm really mad and angry at those who stole you from me, from us, I can't. So I'm gonna let go. It will be no use to hold any anger or grudge against the dead. Like your sister said early, everything happens for a reason. Okay".

"Okay mommy", and they both hugged.

"Awwwwn. Now I'm jealous", I started blinging my eyes.

"See this one that has eaten all my food. You still want to eat", mom teased

"I think she still wants to suck mommy's breast", Maureen added and we all giggled.

"Can we join you guys now?", dad shouted from the kitchen.

"Sure daddy", I replied.

I'm so glad dad had no issues or better still, handled everything like a man he is. And mom, of course she cried out her heart out. Who wouldn't cry hearing his or her child was stolen. But at the end of it all, she has accepted everything in good fate.

Maureen adaptation was really cool. We all chatted like we have known for years before dad brought up the topic about my wedding.

"Raymond son, now that the coast is clear, can we continue the wedding preparations from where we stopped".

"Yes sir. We also have plans of going to my father's place this Saturday"

"Talking of your father, who's he?", dad asked adjusting his glasses.

"Davidson Edward but mostly known as Mr. Edward, the owner of electronic world sir. Definitely you will meet him at the introduction",

"Wawu. Edward is your father? That's wonderful. We are business partners. Though we have discussed about our families but we havent had the time to have dinner together. This world is really small", dad leaned forward, grinning and all happy.

This wedding will be one great one. I sighed.

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