💖chapter eight💖

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Hello guys😘. This is the last night of the month, year and decade.. Am so happy to enter the new year with all of you.. You all are awesome people and love you so much❤❤❤

As we all enter year 2020,we'll all progress and prosper IJN. We will loss no loved ones. We'll all celebrate the new year with good health of mind and body.

And to those you are seeking for help in one way or the other, God will made a way IJN.

Happy new year in advance lovers❤❤😘😘😘😘😘💃💃💃💃💃. Don't forget your favorite author jhemma456 loves you all so much.

God bless🙏 😊😘😘😋❤


I just finished eating my dinner when I remembered I promised monica I was gonna call her. I looked around searching for my phone when my dad called out to me.


"Yes daddy", I grumbled.

"Get me a glass of wine", he ordered with his eyes fixed on the match he was watching.

I went to the wine shelf and brought out a bottle of wine "4th street to be precise", filled the glass with the content and passed it over to him with a smile.

"Thanks son", he smiled back and immediately faced the TV set with full attention.. Just as I was about to leave I heard my dad scream out with joy, "Gooooaaaallll".

As much as I wanted to watch the football match with him, I just ignored him and went to the fridge, took my phone and went straight to my room. "Monica is more important than any football match whatsoever", I said to myself.. 

"Hey babe! How you doing?", I asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"Am fine dear. Hope you have taken dinner?", her angelic voice spoke which made my heart melt.

"Sure, I have and I know you don't play with your stomach", I joked and she laughed. "So have you asked or better still told mom about our outing this Saturday?", I asked with confidence in me but deep down I was scared of being turned down.

"Yes, I have and she approved of it on one CONDITION", she stressed 

"Okay", I said chilling for her to say the condition. 

"She will like to meet you", she finally spoke after making me so tensed.

"That's not a big deal. I will also love to see her too. At least I will have the opportunity to tell her that....", I was about spilling out when I bit my lips.

"That what?", she attacked me immediately.

"Never mind. It's between I and your mom", I calmed her down but stubborn monica, she still insisted I told her.


"I will let you know by on Saturday when I get to your place", I replied just to hear my mom calling me so loud.

Raymond!(no response)
Son!! (Yes mommy)

"Have to go now, mom's calling me. Will call or text you before going to bed", I quickly told her and hanged up.

(Door opens)

"Have been calling you this spoilt brat", my mom said as soon as she entered my room with a mixed expression on her face.



It felt really good talking to Raymond. He always makes me happy and he's really a good timer. He knows when to call and always at the right time. I had just left mom's room after discussing my feelings and my outing with him when I heard my phone ring from the dinning room.

*flash back*

(Monica Knocks)

"Come in", I heard mom say from the room. I pushed open the room and walked through it. She was eating her most loved fruit "paw paw". Gosh, I so much hate it.

I walked so fast and landed on the bed.. "Young woman, did you ask for permission", she fired at me and I popped up immediately.

"Sorry mom", I said innocently. I stared at her for a while and finally asked. "Can I sit?".

"I was only joking princess. You know my bed is also yours. Make yourself comfortable", she tapped the space beside her motioning me to sit close to her..

"So tell me, what's going on with you baby", she said after biting her pawpaw. Who's he?

"He's Raymond mom. The son of Mr Edward was is one of the sponsors of our school", I paused and looked at her face. It was expressionless.

"Mom, say something na", I pinched her slightly. "Ouch, sweet heart. That hurt", she laughed hard.

"Mom, he even asked me out on Saturday, can I go", I said blinking my eyes like that of a doll baby but trust mom, she didn't buy it.

"How long have you both been friends", she finally asked with a serious face.

"For a while now mom. Even Amber knows him too", I fired back immediately which shocked her.

"You badly want to see him right or better still go out with him?", she asked and I blushed.

"Yes mom", I hurriedly replied grinning wide..

Am not shy in front of my mom. Infact, am as free as a bird and I so much love our relationship. Ever since I was a child have known only her and few friends of hers along side with my uncle.

"Okay baby, you will go out with him on one condition", I heard her say.

"Anything mom", I quickly told her.

"I want to see him".


"Your crush", she said raising her eye brows. "Funny enough angel, this is the first guy you are crushing on and am happy you can tell me, that only mean you confined in me sweet heart". She said drawing me into a warm hug.

"I love you mom and I will let you know any thing about me.. I promise I will update you on anything going on with me even tho you're always busy with work and I know everything you do is all for me", I said making the hug tighter.

"I love you too my angel", she kissed my forehead. "Now, let me get my night rest, good night honey", she said and laid under her duvet.

I stood up, pecked her head and walked to door. "Good night mom", I said and shot the door behind me.

Hey, am back again with another chapter. 💃😁😁

Enjoy!!! Don't forget to share and vote and also give me feedback.

Few hours more for a new year💃😋😋😋.. Stay blessed.

See y'all in 2020😘😘.

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