💖chapter twenty six💖

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I flung the door opened, clutching my bag over my shoulders tightly. I walked over to my bed, kicked out my shoes, hurriedly zipped my dress removing it and throwing it to the floor. I rushed directly into the bathroom, stood under the shower and switched it on.

As the water flowed through my body, I felt relaxed a bit of today's stress. Gosh, standing under the hot sun for minutes before getting sight of any cab was really killing not to talk about the stress of going from one office to another for the registration.

Finally, I am a full student of PAU's university at Victoria island, a private school to be precised. Today was really a stress filled day. Right now, I just want to eat and sleep on my soft comfortable bed.

Looking down, I got hold of my breasts and how full it has become this past days. Normally, my breasts become full only when am on my period. I wonder why these crazy breasts are full.

Talking of period, It hasn't showed up for a while now. I'm meant to see this stupid period either on the 10,11 or 12th of this month and now, it's almost end of this month and it hasn't showed up yet.

I quickly got out of the bathroom and changed into my night dress. I went over to my table, picked up the calendar to check if I'm mistaken about this period date. I started my last period 13th of July, and naturally, it takes up to 28 or 30days before i see the next one.

I dropped the calendar back on the table and left for the kitchen. Mom was already observing her night rest and any little sound she hears will wake her up. Mom isn't a deep sleeper unlike me who can even sleep under water.

I walked as quiet as I could pass her room and over to the kitchen. I heated up the food and took out a large portion of the yam porridge garnished with fish and fresh vegetables.

I took out a pack of pineapple flavored juice from the fridge and sat on the table. I ate and ate until the food I'm the plate vanished. I couldn't believe my eyes when I released that o consumed all that amount of food and I still had the urge to consume more.

I poured out the last content of the juice into my glass cup and drank all of it. Damn, I wanted more.

Honestly, I want both more of the food and the drink but I had to control myself so I wouldn't sleep with a heavy stomach.


Next day

"Baby, get up", I heard mom call from my sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes, using the back of my hand to prevent the rays of the sun from penetrating into my eyes.

"Amber is here", she sighed

"Huh", I jumped out of my bed just to see another body standing at the door.

"Hey girlfriend. Sleepy beauty", she chuckled.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?",

She sighed, "Only if you knew how long have been calling you but you didn't pick any of my calls neither did you return any".

"Are you kidding me. You called?", I now looked stupid for asking that question. I looked at mom and then back to Amber before searching for my phone.

The sight of the 13missed call staring at my face made me a bit dizzy. "Babes, are you alright?", Amber looked at me with so much concern.

"Yes, I am".

"Enjoy your gossip girls, am out if here", mom sighed leaving the room.

"Girl, why are you sleeping up to this time. It's 11am and you didn't have any plan to wake up if I hadn't showed up",

"Not my fault. Did my registration yesterday and you know how stressful it can be, moreover I came home late and slept really late", I said.

"If only you followed me the day I went to do mine even tho it's the same school we applied for".

"Didn't feel like going out that day".

"Lazy thing", she sighed dropping her bag and car key on the stool beside my bed.

"Don't tell me you drove yourself", I looked at her surprised.

"One advice for you, start learning how to drive. You are 18 and can obtain driving license", she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, I will learn soon. Thank you madam drive for you advice", I managed to get up. "I feel sick", I sighed.

"I can see".

I walked to the bathroom and spat out. "Are you sure you're okay Monica?", she asked again.

"Yes I am".

"I doubt it. The last time we saw, you threw up. Now, you are sleeping too much and even spitting", I looked at me, using her eyes to ask me the same question.

"I'm okay Amber", I said firmly.

"When last did you see your period", she asked piercing her gaze on my body.

"Funny you. I even asked myself yesterday too but it seems my period will be late this month", I said sitting down.

"Do you have pregnancy kits?", she asked still with her gaze on my body.

"What am I using that for this child and why should I even have such".

"Hold on Monica, have you?", she asking using her eyes to complete the question.

"Have I what?", I asked back pretending not to understand. Just then, I remembered I and Raymond made love when I was ovulating.

"No. No. I can't be pregnant. It was just once Amber, I swear. We had it just once", I said with tears in my eyes.

"Am coming, we have to confirm it first before jumping into conclusion", she sighed and left to God knows where.

Minutes later, she came back and handed me two pregnancy kits. "Do the test and wait for the result. It will take just 2minutes or so", she said.

"I don't know how to use this and how do you know about this", I asked her looking confused.

"Who doesn't know how to use this stuff. I have never used it before though but c'mon, I read novels and watch TV", she said, and explained what I was to do.

I got into the bathroom and did exactly what I was told to do. The first one stated positive and I refused to accept it until the second one stated positive too.

I came out crying, holding my stomach.

"Oh no. Why didn't he use condom", she said welcoming me into her hands.

"Condom?", I asked confused.

"Don't tell me you don't know what a condom is", she sighed. "Oh babes, even though you don't know, I'm sure he knew".

"Maybe it didn't occur to him at that moment knowing it was the first time. But I'm scared, how will I tell mom. How will my dad and mom take it, now that I have registered and I'm now a full student of PAU", I cried sniffing on her body.

"Hey, I'm here for you. We will pass through this together and I promise, I will never leave you in this alone".

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