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       "Do not make yourself too available. Use absence to increase respect because scarcity gives value to a product".





Five years later..

"Babe, I can't believe we are leaving Nigeria for good," Monica sighed, leaning on my shoulder.

"The feeling is mutual love. But that doesn't mean the kids won't come to visit their grandparents." I placed a light kiss on her hair.

"I know. I just don't understand why they don't wanna move with us."

"Guess they love it here more, you know." I chuckled. "Why don't we have some fun before we head to the airport,huh." I smirked, before closing the little space between us.

"Hmmmm," Monica moaned into my mouth as I slipped my tongue in.

"Dad, Joey doesn't want to give back my teddy," the sweet voice of our Chloe distracted us, breaking the kiss.

"And where is your big sister?" Monica picked her up.

"She's reading a book and she told us not to disturb her," she pouted.

"And where is your twin brother who refused to give back your... What did you call it again?" I asked, caressing her tender cheek.

"My teddy bear,daddy." She giggled.

"I'm here dad," the voice of my little man said, running into our room.

"Sweetheart, where's your sister's teddy?" Monica gently asked him.

"Tell Chloe to give back my Batman. She hid it yesterday and has refused returning it back," he said, crossing his arms.

"I can't find it mommy. I put it behind the door in the kitchen and it's no longer there," Chloe argued back.

"Enough kids." I said calmly.

"But daddy, I want my teddy back," Chloe said still pouting.

"You will get it back sweetheart," Monica said, stroking her hair.

"Joey son, if I give you back your Batman will you return your sister's teddy bear?" Monica asked him.

"Yes mommy." He nodded.

"Okay. In that case, let me get it," she said dropping her on her feet. We all as my beautiful wife walked towards where her handbag was seated on one of the boxes and brought out something.

I watched as she peacefully handed the Batman to Joey who jumped on her,giving her one of his best hugs. "Now can you give back Chloe's teddy?" She sweetly asked.

"Yes mommy. I will," he grinned and they both disappeared out of our room.

"Wow! How do you mothers do that?" I asked,placing a kiss on her lips.

"Do what babe?" She asked

"Do that.. Like how you resolve conflict between little kids. I mean,like what I just viewed few minutes ago,"

"Oh, that. It's easy, so easy. Just be cool and think of the best way to talk to them. Moreover, I gave birth to them," she winked at me.

"So where were we before the kids interrupted us," she smirked pulling me towards the bed.



Hey lovers💜💜, guess who's back😁😁!!

Finally, the epilogue of the billionaire's daughter is here.

I'm so so sorry it took me ages to publish this chapter. I really don't know where to start apologizing from, but I'm deeply sorry for making my lovely readers wait so long.

Love y'all to the moon and back💛💛💛

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