💖chapter forty💖

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"Good morning ma. Good morning ma", the nurses greeted me as I walked through the corridors. "Morning dear", I will give them a big welcoming smile while replying. Some of them are within my age group while the rest are either younger than me or older.

I was called upon by three of the best private hospitals, days after my graduation for my houseman ship. "Eko hospital", "st Nicholas hospital" and "Reddington hospital". All of them located on the island. It was really difficult to choose because all three are very good hospitals. 

They offered good salary which made me even more confused. At the end of it all, I went for st. Nicholas hospital, the branch at lekki free way since it was much closer than the other branches at Victoria island and Maryland.

I shot the door to my office gently, placed my bag on the table before landing on the four wheeled chair. It was really a comfortable seat. It's been two months since I was engaged to Raymond and all preparations of the wedding has been on since then. Staring at my diamond gorgeous ring, I was lost in a dream land wedding before a knock interrupted just when the priest announced, "you may now kiss the bride".

"Come in", I sighed at the person who knocked.

"Ma, there's an emergency", the nurse said panting like she just ran a marathon race without even closing the door. "Oookay. Came down. Breath in, then out", I instructed her and she complied.

"Now speak, what's the matter?"

"There's a child in ward 20. He was rushed here not long and he lost a lot of blood", she said trying to calm down.

"But what about Doc. Jide?", I asked confused because I'm just an assistant to him. "He hasn't arrived yet and the other pediatricians aren't on seat", she confessed.

I got up, picked up my lab coat with my name boldly written on it and my stethoscope and followed the nurse who took me to the ward. I examined the little boy before doing anything else. I placed him on drip and oxygen before different tests were carried out on him. He was unconscious and unstable at the moment because he lost a lot of blood.

I heard his mother and her friend were at the reception room so I went to talk to her over the donation of blood.

I left the ward with the same nurse that came to me earlier. I saw a lady sitting down, "Excuse me, are you the mother of the boy child that.... ", I guess I was talking too much.

"No, I'm the friend to her. That's his mom", the young lady sighed pointing to where the mother was standing, but the expression on her face was like she just saw a ghost. I was moved but realized it wasn't my main goal. She still had her eyes on me as I walked to where the other young lady was standing face the wall.

The moment she turned around, I was surprised. No, surprised isn't the right word, I was dumbfounded. It was as if I was standing in front of a mirror. My exact lookalike or should I say my faraway twin sister. She had tears flowing down her cheeks but the moment she saw me, the tears seized.

For two minutes, neither of us said a word as we were still dumbfounded. Just then she had an expression like she was thinking of what to say, "Are you by any chance Monica?", she asked. "Y-yy-ees", I stammered.

"Doctor", the nurse called.

That word alone reminded me I have a boy child life to save. "I really don't understand this but we'll talk about it when your son is stable but for now, we need a blood donor", I was now in my right frame of mind.

"Yes, we have the same blood type. Can we start now", she replied as the tears continued to flow down her cheeks. "We need to run test on you before anything can be done. Nurse, please take her to the lab room", I ordered the nurse and walked away.

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