💖chapter two💖

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They walked through from one corridor to another until Monica reached her locker to get her books..

"Uhm, thank you Raymond.. I really appreciate it", she said smiling.. "It's my pleasure to help you Monica", he said smiling too.. Will see you later during lunch if that will be fine with you, he stylishly asked her blushing..

Looking up to see his facial expression, Monica giggled and said, "no problem, lunch it is then". I really need to go now Raymond, class will soon start and I don't want to be late, she said as she collected some of her notes for the first three periods of her class...

"Ok Monica, see you during lunch then.. Listen attentively, take care", Raymond said and left for his locker.. All the while they were talking, Katrina and her girls were hiding behind lockers so they won't be seen by them.

"I can see your flirting skills are upgrading Monica", Katrina said walking up to Monica after Raymond was out of sight. I and my girls have just one advise for you, "leave Raymond alone".. He's mine and if I can't have him, no one will.. Don't taste my patient Monica, Katrina voiced out in a wicked tone... Girls, let's go. I can see she understands me well enough, Katrina said leaving Monica in her lost thoughts.

Monica who was still surprised with every word Katrina told her, got herself after Amber tapped her from behind... "Monica, are you alright?",  Amber asked looking at her best friend with so much concern..

"It's Katrina, she threatened me", Monica said.. "English will start in a bit,  am sure you don't want to be late. We'll talk about Katrina during lunch",   Amber said as she dragged Monica along with her to the class..

Entering the class, Amber and Monica noticed all eyes were on them so they took one of the back seats.

Looking up, Monica eyes met with Miss Laura's as she ordered Monica and Amber to move forward

Settling down, Monica arranged all her note books and textbooks on her desk as well as her writing materials..

During lectures, Monica answered most of the questions Miss Laura asked which made her so mad at other students.. "Is it only Monica that's in my class", she asked the class but got no reply. "Everybody stand up", she ordered angrily including Monica because she didn't want any student think she favours Monica.

It was revision class and Miss Laura was highly disappointed with her students for not participating during lectures which made her wonder what the outcome of their exams would be if they couldn't answer mere questions in class. Angrily she stood up and said,

"I will ask each of you a question and if you can't give me answers to my questions, you all are gamed for today's work", she banged her cane on the table and asked "am I clear?"..

"Yes aunt", they chorused with fear in their eyes

She asked questions and was glad to see the activeness of her students until she reached Katrina who looked dumbfounded when asked her own question..

"Katrina, please be serious for once.. All you do in this school is to flex around with your group mates and harrass innocent students yet you have nothing in your head", Miss Laura scolded her

"I will give you a test so when its time for lunch, make sure you report in my office", Miss Laura said to Katrina..

Turning round, Miss Laura faced her students.. Well, you all did pretty well today except Katrina. The class is over, see you all in our next class, Miss Laura dismissed the students..

Amber quickly packed her books and stuffs into her bag and walked up to Monica.. "Time for biology, let's hurry.. You know how strict Mr Newton is, I don't want to be his specimen for today", Amber said as Monica bursted into laughter

"Is that why you are so much in a hurry? Relax girl, we have five minutes  and am sure Mr Newton won't be in the laboratory by now, moreover I still have to get his books and set some apparatus before calling him for the class", Monica said as she packed her stuffs in her bag.

"Ooh, that's true", Amber said in a relaxed tone.. "Am ready, let's go", Monica said standing up..

Walking down the corridor, Monica who was trying to adjust the hand of her bag mistakenly bumbed into someone who was facing down with a headphone listening to music...

"Uhm, am so sorry", Monica apologized innocently... Looking up to see who it was, she opened her mouth in surprise when Raymond's face with a cute smile was staring at her..

"Hey, its not your fault Monica, we were both distracted so am also sorry", Raymond said smiling at her..

"We have to go now Monica", Amber said breaking the long stare between Monica and Raymond when she became uncomfortable.

"Sure, see you during lunch then..  Bye Amber, take care Monica", Raymond said and he walked away...

They both ran to the laboratory only to be late.. Amber who didn't want to be scolded by Mr Newton sneaked in without the attention of both the teacher and students.

Why are you late monica? Mr Newton asked calmly..

"Uhmm, I bumbed into someone when coming and I was delayed..  Am so sorry sir, I promise it will never happen again", Monica said

Being the laboratory prefect, I knew Mr Newton would never let me go to my seat without any scolding or punishment

"You know you're in charge of this place and ought to be part of the first set of students to arrive here.. So for being late, you will clean up this place during lunch and after school", Mr Newton said and ordered her to her seat

"Am sorry Monica", Amber said as soon as Monica sat down beside her.. '"Hey it's not your fault"', Monica said smiling.

"You indeed have a good heart and you're the sweetness bestie ever", Amber said hugging her tightly. "I love you monica", Amber said

"I love you too Amber", monica said and both of them started doing their practical
(test analysis)

I wish I have a best friend like Monica or Amber♥♥♥💖💖💖.. They are so sweet and young.. What do you think about them??

Do you think Monica will make it up in time😪😪 to have lunch with Raymond or not.😪😪😣

Stay out for Chapter three.. I know you all can't wait but we have too😉😉😉 See you soon💃💖♥♥

Bye guys, loads of love from jhemma456

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