Mind Controlled

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A/n: sorry if its bad, I'm getting lazy again..

"Natasha~" You cooed out, staring out the giant window that displayed the city you were destroying. When the red head didn't reveal herself, you tsked. "Natasha, darling, I can see you."

She dropped down from the ceiling, a look of grief on her face.

"Y/n, you don't have to do this," She quietly pleaded. "Don't make us do this."

"I'm not making you do anything. It's your choice to fight me, not mine," You turned, sticking your bottom lip out in mock pity.

"Y/n, why? Why can't you come back and talk with us, like the peacekeeper you once were?"

You watched as she carefully reached for her holster, keeping one arm extended out to you. For the fun of it and so she could feel powerful, you pretended to be oblivious. Your gaze shifted back to hers and you raised a brow. She tilted her head slightly, the pleading still clear in her green eyes.

She really didn't know?

"Ask Stark. I'm sure he'd loved to tell you how he didn't kill my brother." You smirked, a slight craziness in it.

"He didn't-"

"YES HE DID!" You snapped. Natasha stopped and stood straighter. She was intimidated.

"Tony would never and we both know it! What you saw was a mistake!" She tried reasoning.

"What I saw was Stark holding his blaster to my brothers head and firing."

"You could talk with Wanda, she's been through this, she'll help you!"

"She can't do anything! She's weak!" You spat before leaning back. You pressed your lips together and inhaled deeply.

"See, you still care."

"Do not mix pity with love, Natasha. Out of everyone, I expected you to know that." You growled, taking a step closer. "Wanda isn't weak, she's stronger than all of you combined. It's you who trick her into thinking she's not. It's Vision that keeps her locked in her own mind. None of you will let her be, you 'have' to keep her stuck in her room." You were now a foot or two away from the Black Widow. "So you tell me, Natasha, would you rather talk to Wanda and end up getting trapped in your own mind or get revenge?"

She stayed silent. You let out a deep chuckle. In one swift movement, she held you at gunpoint. Your back was pressed against her chest as she cocked the gun.

"Y/n, I'm going to give you one more chance," She whispered into your ear. "Come back."

You squirmed, trying to get away from her grasp. She had one hell of a hold. Whimpering, you stopped and she sighed.

"Good cho-" With a flick of your wrist, you sent the gun flying from her hands. Your magic pulled Natasha onto her hands and knees, chaining her to the floor.

"Really, Nat? A gun? I'm offended." You shook your head, acting deeply hurt. You strode over and placed a knee into her back.

She was good at remaining quiet but the jolt of her body said it hurt. You added more pressure until she finally let out a small sob.

"Tell this to the Avengers, won't you?" You smiled, removing your knee. Only to slam it back right into her shoulder blades. "I'm not giving up until Tony fucking Stark is dead. Send him to my base, alone. Don't try and find out what will happen if it's a party of three."

She nodded and you sent her away.

"Come and get me,"


Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now