Fighting and Flower crowns

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A/n: IM BACK BABEYYYY! Expect to have this mess update on an even messier schedule (⌐■^■) mkay enjoyyyy

Due to Tony Stark's order, the Avengers found themselves training outside. 'A change of scenery' as Tony phrased it.

You and the rest of the team were lined up, shoulder to shoulder like soldiers as Captain America gave a prep talk.

"-It is our duty to protect this planet! That's why we must stay alert and fit-"

Loki, who was standing on the left of you, shape-shifted into Rogers and mouthed the rest of his speech in a serious expression. Even though they were now the same, this Steve was better than the original. The shape-shifter had it all down; the hand movements, the pause, the face, everything. If you hadn't seen it yourself, you might've been convinced it was the real Captain.

'Now, Avengers! Asse- LOKI!" In a flash of green, The trickster was back in his original- well, more common- form.

"Yes Captain Rogers?" He asked, the both of you trying not to laugh. Steve just heaved an annoyed sigh.

"Whatever, team up. We're focusing on hand-to-hand combat today" He yelled, waving a hand in dismissal. Loki smirked and turned to you, opening his mouth.

"Not today, Ruldalph. You're with me!" The only thing that came out was a sigh as Loki trudged towards Iron man. You giggled to yourself as you watched Tony drag him away.

"Hey (y/n)! Wanna be my training buddy?" Peter called out to you, waving. You nodded and jogged over to the grassy patch he had picked out for the fight.

"What are we supposed to do? I wasn't really listening" You asked shyly as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"Yeah, I noticed" He winked "Captain America said just some simple hand to hand" He reminded, throwing some punches in the air. You thanked him and got in you respective positions. With a nod from both sides you began.

You charged forward, throwing a fist to his face. He swiftly dodged and stuck a foot out, causing you to trip. You rolled over just in time as Peter was about to pin you down. You back-flipped out of the way and landed on your feet, preparing for another go.

Peter rushed forward and started to crouch down, wanting to jab you in the stomach. You leapt out of the way and lifted you leg to hit him under his chin. He fell back but didn't stay down for long.

It went on for a bit. Both of you jabbing and dodging each other. It looked like the two of you were matched but Peter was getting exhausted. His movements got sloppy and his punches didn't have as much force as before.

His defense was still as good as ever but that wasn't going to last long in a real fight. You thrusted another fist at his head but he sidestepped and grabbed your outstretched arm. He was about to flip you, but you quickly grabbed his hand and spun around. He flew across the field and landed on his back with a large 'oof'.

"Peter!" You quickly ran over to him, panicked he might've broken something. The hazelnut haired boy laid in the grass, completely done.

"Peter! Are you okay? Can you move?"

"Its more of the question "do I want to move?" His answer came out breathlessly. You helped him sit up and patted him down, making sure nothing was broken.

"Ow!" He yelped as you reached his back. Your panic worsed.

"No, I'm okay, really! Dont worry, (y/n)!" Peter flashed a small smile as he tried to stand up. He immediately fell back down, hissing in pain.

"Stay here, I'll go get the med kit!" You instructed, already zooming to the first-aid. As you grabbed it, you locked eyes with Tony and your worries increased by a million. He was about to call out to you before Loki got a strong hit to the jaw. Using that to your advantage, you ran back to Peter.

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