Stuck in Space

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An: okay wow time literally slipped away from me. Thank you guys for being patient tho, thank you!

The widow is almost finished but like I said, things really got away from me. Im so sorry for not updating in like, a millenia.

Here's a short story that I hope you'll enjoy, it isn't my best ;-;

Summary: You're apart of Starks Space Security. Everything is going fine when an unruly party literau breaks in

I love you so much <3

Being a astronaut entitled many things, the most obvious one being in a spaceship, in space. That was honestly it. One week out of every five to six months, you employer, Mr. Stark sent you to space to survey Earth. You agreed, enjoying the solitude of space for a week and floating around your workspace was always a bonus.

Nothing ever really happened, most extraterrestrials that sped by did exactly that; sped by and went on their way to wherever. Some did stop by your spaceship, circle around, making sure you weren't a threat to them and when you waved at the driver, they seemed satisfied and zoomed off.

Today was nothing extraordinary as you lazily floated in your aircraft, munching on some crackers. That was the downside of space, food was freezed dried or something. It was crunchy, powder-y and needed water to be rehydrated. It wasn't that great of a taste but hey, not many people can say they've floated upside-down while eating ice cream.

Your body hit the floor, hitting your head on the metal as something heavy hit the spaceship. After your vision sorted itself out, you scrambled to the control panel and switched on the gravity. You slid into the commander's seat and started a scan of the aircraft, hoping to find out what kind of meter just socked your ship.

Right as the screen lit up, commencing the system check up, a terrible screeching noise came from above. You looked over your shoulder, your shout lost to the horrible sound of a square of the aircraft's roof tearing off. A dark figure jumped in, landing in what you've dubbed the 'hero pose,' since every Avenger did it all the time. But this was no hero.

They looked up, their green eyes piercing right through you. They ran up and with one swift swing, you were rendered unconscious.


"Gods, I told you to make sure it was safe, not attack the nearest person!" A deeper, gruff voice weaved its way into your head, fading in and out involuntarily as you began to stir.

"How was I supposed to know they weren't dangerous?" Another smoother voice mixed in with the other.

"He's got a point," A slightly higher voice added in, followed by a tapping noise.

Your eyes finally fluttered open, your head still swaying as you woke up. It seemed the rest of your body wasn't as willing to move as your head. Your limbs felt really stiff, actually, to the point of almost hurting. Looking down through your groggy eyes, you wiggled a bit and found chains keeping you in place.

It all came back to you like a train.

Your head flew up as you remembered being attacked. And you screamed, coming face to face with a lumpy, blue face.

"Oh hey man!" They talked? And had an accent. "Look guys, they woke up!" They stood up from squatting, waving over other beings.

"Oh good! No one worry, I have this under control." The deep voice from earlier announced with a pride in their voice. They pushed the rock being back and stood in front of you with a wide smile.

"The poor mortal is frightened. Worry not, tiny mortal, you may know me as the strongest Avenger." He smiled. He was probably winking but he wore an eyepatch so it was hard to tell. When you didn't respond, he gave a slightly strained chuckle. "Thor? God of Thunder? Does that... does that not ring any bells in your small human brain?" Okay, ow.

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