Cat-Sitting Pt. 1

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Warning: language!

"Loki, please!" You begged, grabbing your favored guns off the weapons rack. "I don't have time to call an actual sitter, just please take care of Comet!"

"No way, I'm not looking after your little beast" Loki snorted.

"He's not a beast, he's a cat." You corrected.

"My answer remains the same, Y/n"

"Comet's not that much trouble, I promise, just feed him and make sure he doesn't run away" You said, rolling your eyes. You tightened your weapons belt around your waist and slipped into your combat boots.

"Loki, man up and take care of the goddamm cat!" Natasha interjected, rushing to the Quinjet.

"His care list is on the coffee table, Bye!!" You shouted at him, running right behind the red-headed assassin.

Loki watched as the jet flew off and sighed. With the rest of the Avengers on a mission, he was left to watch over your cat. Alone.

" '1/3 cup of cat food in the morning and night'? How much food does this thing need?" Loki whispered to himself as he read the list you had left him. Your Chartreux looked up at him expectantly, swishing his tail back and fourth.

"Staring is rude, y'know" He huffed, looking back at the cat. Comet only meowed back in response, seemingly unbothered.

"Well, she only said I needed to feed you, so shoo" The God tried scarring the cat away but Comet showed no sign of moving. Loki sighed and sat down on the couch.


"What?" He turned to the cat. "Do you miss your mother?" He snickered.

'Meooww!' Comet rubbed against Loki's leg. "No, don't! You're gonna get hair all over my outfit!" He scowled, pushing the cat away with his foot. Comet let out a small yelp and fled off.

Sighing in content, Loki turned the TV off and chose to read a book instead. It had been only 5 minutes when he heard a loud crash coming from your room. He rushed over, worried the cat might've of done something irreversible.

Comet snaked through Loki's legs as he saw the mess the feline had caused. Your bookshelf and everything on it had fallen over.

"How did you even mange this?" Loki asked as if he expected a response. I can't believe I'm talking to a cat" He sighed, walking over to the fallen shelf. With a swirl of magic, he had set everything back. He then turned on the cat, ready to scold him but Comet had made himself scarce.

"You're kidding me.." The Asgardian's shoulders sagged. He had to find that cat.

Loki looked underneath your bed and on every high surface in your room but found no four-legged feline companion. 

"Where are you, little one?" He called out, looking for Comet. He searched the whole floor and never found him.

Getting aggravated with the cat's game, Loki summoned an orb of green magic. Whispering a few words under his breath, he worked on making the sphere a tracking spell. All he needed was a piece of fur. That wasn't too hard to find.

The sorcerer plucked a strand of Comets hair off his pants and incorporated it into the spell. He was about to cast it when the same feline he was looking for lept onto him, digging his claws into Loki's back.

The God of Mischief hit the ground with a shout, sending the cat flying off his back and cast the spell by accident. It hit Comet and sent the cat sprawling.

Cursing, Loki rushed up and ran over to the cat he blasted into the next room. IHis eyes widened as the grey Chartreux you owned had turned into  a naked boy with ruffled grey hair and cat ears and a tail.

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