The Widow - part 1

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(Artwork above is not mine, unfortunately I do not know who the original artist is)

A/n: HOLY SMOKES I DID IT (mostly~) I've been working on this oneshot for who knows how long and it may not make that much sense (I'm sure there's a loop hole somewhere) but I'm very proud of this.

Warnings!: death/murder, mentions of past abuse, poison, overexertion, suffocation, strong language and I think that's it :D

Hope you have as much fun as I did, detective ;)

11:09 pm, Home

It was pouring rain when you got the call. The warm light of your oil lamp filled your cozy bedroom, the rain thundering against your window panes. The borrowed book between your hands kept you sane with its old and worn scent. The old ink faded in certain places, blurry in others but you were more than able to figure the words out.

Your heavy quilt rested over your lap, your back against your wooden headboard as you flipped quietly through the book. The pillows gave you comfort, peace of mind. They were there, supporting you in the softest way.

Then the phone rang.

You heard it ring loudly, shaking against its metal holders. With a heavy sigh, you pushed yourself out of bed, you pajama set offering some warmth as you made your way into the living room.

The creaky wooden table that you've set behind your couch held the buzzing telephone. Another sigh, you held the handset tightly, feeling the cold leather against your tired palm and brought the receiver to your ear.

"May I speak to Detective Y/n?" A worried voice buzzed over the speaker.

"This is she," You yawned silently, awaiting their response.

"There's been a murder."

12:49 am, The Laufeyson Estate

You arrived at the scene of the crime as soon as you could, the rain making the drive harder than needed. You tipped the driver decently as you stepped out onto the wet cobblestone, thanking them for taking the time to drive such lengths at such a strange time. They nodded, taking the money with a small smile before driving off, the puddles causing the tires to swerve slightly on their way out.

You looked up at the mansion, a lightning bolt casting it in an ominous tone. You readjusted your collar and shoved your hands deep into your trench coat and nodded to yourself. You had a murder to solve.

Your hand curled around the cold, wet metal door knocker. It was an interesting design. A snake held its tail in its mouth, creating a circle. The fangs were most definitely sharp enough to pierce the skin. The detail was astonishing, scales burned into every inch of the steel.

Your request to be let in was soon answered by a frightened servant. They seemed to know who your were by a slight glance over. They moved aside with a lower than confident nod, allowing you to enter.

They left no time to observe the large, wonderful mansion, scurrying down a few halls. They turned back to make sure you were following too many times for comfort. For them. You, however, drank in as much of this old place as possible.

The one thing you noticed most was that there were many, many portraits of the residents. You didn't have time to truly read the paintings since the servant who wore a sharp black and white suit dragged you along.

Your mind was snapped to the present when muffled sobbing reached your ears. The servant gestured you through another door with a strained expression. A warm glow of a fireplace flickered through the doorway, it's soft glow making you remember the hour before the call, when you were reading.

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