Lady Loki - Shopping

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TW: there's some body negativity. Please remember beauty comes in any and every shape and size!

You, Loki and Wanda walked throughout the mall. Wanda pulled you this way and that, wanting to go to every store. Loki wasn't nearly as bad but she was a definite pain to shop with.

Shopping was a pain, period.

When Wanda managed to actually decide on a store, she eagerly tugged you into H&M. Surprising, but she can do whatever she wants. Since you were complaining and never buying, the two ladies decided to make you their servant. They went through every department, scanning every aisle as you dragged behind them.

Finally, they said the magic sentence.

"Alright, I think that's enough," Loki clapped, staring at the cart full of clothes. "We wouldn't want to overwhelm ourselves."

"Aw, but there's some interesting stuff over there," The red head pointed to the home decor section.

"No! You said only clothes, remember?" You whined, leaning against the cart you've had to push all day.

The two ladies nodded and headed for the dressing rooms and you moped behind. Loki slowed her pace, falling in step with you. It was no surprise Loki managed to look hot in every form but her casual outfit was too flawlessly hot.

"Darling, please," She huffed, pulling you up by your shoulders. You lurched backwards, standing tall. "You look miserable when you're hunched over like that." Loki pressed her manicured hand to your chest, keeping you up. "Don't do it again."

You stared, bewildered and a tad hurt as she strode back over to the other witch. You weren't sure if you should be thankful or offended but considering she was right, you took it with thanks. A sudden surge of confidence flowed through and you followed with a small spring in your step.


By the time they were done, you had watched that bit of confidence hurtle to the floor and crash through it. Every shirt, pair of pants, dress or hat looked stunning on Wanda and Loki. It didn't matter if it wasn't their style, they rocked it. Each outfit making you fall harder for the goddess and ruining your self love.

You never had much in the first place but watching Lady Loki and the Scarlet Witch slay in every outfit wasn't helping your self image.

But when they switched some outfits, oh boy.

You were about to pass out when Loki came out in a red corset over a black knee length dress. Her knee high boots were even better. And Wanda's signature coat sold the whole look.


'Woah, calm down.' You shifted in your seat, hoping your blush wasn't too visible. Wanda skipped out with the few outfits she wanted and plopped down next to you.

"You sure you don't want anything?" She leaned closer, her blue eyes searching your face. You gave her a small nod.

"Y/n, dear!" Loki called out from her stall. Wanda snorted when you jumped up a bit too eagerly. "Would you mind helping me?" She gave you a smug look and you blushed, walking over to Loki's stall.

"Sure what is iiiiii-" You went still after slipping into the changing stall. Loki was holding her silky raven locks up, fiddling with the zipper of the jaw dropping  black dress she was in.

Your mind raced a mile a minute. She held her hair tie delicately between her teeth and you couldn't begin to explain the feeling that created inside you. Her pose made her look as if she was something out of a painting. Or a drawing or- either way she was a work of art.

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