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A/n: some bad boy x reader au for you ;)

Warnings: language! Fighting and bullying, implied depression/suicidal thoughts (its not bad I swear) cigarettes and that should be it!

Requested by the lovely kissmyscars_
Hope you enjoy <3

"Y/n! Over here!" Your best friend, Natasha waved you over. You happily skipped over to their lunch table.

You slid next to Bucky, smiling. He smiled in return. Steve was on his right and next to him was Sam. You were across from Natasha and Wanda sat next to her, bouncing in her seat. She had the worse case of restless legs.

"So, how did your math test go?" Wanda asked, eyes bright with enthusiasm. You let your head drop onto the table. "Alright, then..."

"It was fine, I guess." You shrugged. You knew you did pretty decent, but the amount of energy it took you was too much. Plus, you didn't want to get too cocky in case you did flop.

You kept your gaze away from Steve. He wanted you to pass this test. He really wanted you to pass. You didn't need to look, you could feel his disappointment.

A certain set of footsteps grabbed your attention almost immediately. You turned your head, still slumped against the table. The second you saw who it was, you shot up growling.

"What do you want, Loki?" You sneered, glaring at him. Loki simply smirked as he sauntered over.

"Just here to talk. Is that okay?" He mocked, sticking his lower lip out before smirking, knowing you couldn't say anything. You watched his every movement as he plucked the apple from your lunch tray. Even kept eye contact as he bit into the probably overripe fruit.


"So, Bucky, was it?" He tossed the fruit up and caught it swiftly. "Do you have enough oil?"

"What?" Bucky whispered, ducking behind you.

"For your arm, freak." He scoffed. "And Natasha, how's your boyfriend Bruce? Still treating you well? Who am I kidding, just consider yourself lucky someone would want to date a mewling quim like you."

"Hey!" You pounded your fist on the table. "Leave them alone!"

"Or what?" Loki snickered. His emerald eyes burned with a fire you were desperate to put out. "You know, this is why people tend to talk about you behind your back." Your hands curled into a tight fists. He quirked an amused brow. "Oh? What, you think you can actually hurt-"

You punched the son of gun with the power of a god.

The whole lunch room went silent as a loud crack shook the walls. Loki stumbled backwards, holding his face. You hopped out of the lunch table and stepped forward, putting some distance between your friends and your fight.

Loki stopped, grabbing onto another table for stability and removed his hand from his face. Everyone sitting there ran off, terrified. Blood streamed from his nose into the palm of his hand. A surge of pride shot through you as everyone gasped. He used his sleeve, wiping at his face as he glared at you. You scowled back.

He wasted no time to lung at you, hitting right above your eye. You hissed and tried to pedal backwards but he wasn't done. He tugged you back by your hair making you yelp. You stumbled back into his chest and he threw you down against the table.

Your friends shouted in a panic as your face slammed into the wooden surface. You snatched a lunch tray, sending the food flying, and spun around in time to block another punch. Using the plastic tray, you shoved his fist aside and hit him hard in the back of his greasy head.

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