On purpose

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A/n: ^^^^ that, it's that

"Hm, interesting." You hummed softly. "And to think, you wanted to keep this part of you away from me?" 

You looked up at Loki with a smug smile. 

His bare chest heaved up and down with anticipation as you straddled him. His shirt kept his hands tied behind the bedpost and your scarf kept him from seeing anything, with a washcloth that sat rather comfortably in his mouth. It wasn't your original plan to gag him but he would not shut up. So, some extra steps had to be added. 

He was so beautiful all tied up like this. 

The best thing was, you knew he could easily fight this. His strength could destroy his bonds and the bedpost without batting an eye. He can easily tear off his blindfold and spit the cloth in your face.  

But he didn't. 

Still, you knew silence wasn't consent 

Just because they didn't say no, doesn't mean they said yes. 

So, you did everything with caution, watching his facial expression with every move- before you blinded him. And no, you didn't gag him because he kept complaining about it, he was being a big, fat tease and ruining the environment by making stupid jokes. Plus, he literally asked for it. 

"You know," You sighed contently, trailing a finger across his very sculpted abs. "It's a shame you can't see how beautiful you are." 

You stiffled a laugh as Loki tried to say something, probably about how you quite literally prevented him from seeing anything. 

"Hush now," You swatted his cheek, hard enough to silence but not enough to hurt. "I want to see it again!" 

You leaned over towards the bedside table from your straddled position. You grabbed the glass off the stand and rattled it, watching Loki's face drop. With quiet fingers, you snatched another ice cube from the cup and hovered your hand above his chest. 

It was so amusing to watch his muscles tense just waiting, almost begging, for you to touch him. 

Being the sweet being you were, you pressed one side of the cold block right above his heart. You bit back a smile as you traced a heart on his skin and sat back and observed how a pretty blue took over. 

"Very interesting," A giggled escaped your lips as you leaned in to draw more shapes on his chest. Every square, circle, triangle and squiggle turned blue and it was SO PRETTY!! 

You drew and traced any and every shape that came to mind until his chest was practically a sapphire. When the ice cube melted, you went to trailing your hands over him. He stopped tensing so much but as your hands got lower, he flinched away. 

"Sorry," You muttered while your attention was glued to all his markings, following the paths with your eyes. He shook his head, the small gesture telling you it was fine. 

After you were positive his stunning Jötun form was engraved in your memory, you sat back with a huff. "I don't get it, Loki." You sighed to yourself and removed Loki's bindings. 

"Get what, love?" He asked once the cloth was gone, licking his lips before giving you a quick, sly kiss. He grabbed his shirt and straightened it, about to put it on. Impulsively, you grabbed his wrist and shook your head. 

You laid down and beckoned Loki to lay next to you. Chuckling softly, he did. Your fingers traced over his skin, remembering how the blue used to show up after each stroke. His hands moved to hold you against his cool body. 

"So, what was it you were confused about?" He gently tilted your head up, staring into your eyes. You stared right back, watching the love and affection dance in his eyes. 

You wanted to ask why he thought so little of himself. Why he failed to understand that it wasn't the looks you fell for (though they are a definite plus). Knowing him, he'd deflect them all with a laugh or some joke that felt wrong but was too subtle to really notice. He may even become aggravated, he always acted like that at first when you learned about his true form. 

"You're gorgeous, Loki." You whispered. He looked shocked for a moment before laughing. 

"You are too, my dear." 

"I'm serious," 

"As am I?" Your stern face began to throw him off. He wasn't used to this. 

"I love you so much, I love your voice, your walk, those jokes you whisper to yourself and laugh at later. I love your smile and, though it hurts, I love your tears. Please, don't ever think yourself unworthy of praise and affection."

He hesitated. He felt so scared yet so loved. A truly horrible combination.

"I'm not above getting punished either, dear... or have you forgotten the blood that stains my hands?" 

"No! You are so much more than that! You made a mistake!" 

"A mistake that costs millions-" 

"You make up for it everyday. Saving one person at a time is one less person gone because of you! Why do you refuse to see that?" 

You could see the gears of his brilliant mind slow and stop, getting caught up in confusion. He tried to say something that would prove you wrong, that would make you see the horrible beast he truly was. Yet, he couldn't think of anything. 

"You're more than your past, Loki. And if it takes me a thousand years for you to see that, then so be it. Wanna know why?" He bit his lower lip, trying not to cry. Slowly, a little reluctantly, he nodded. "Because I love you. On purpose, I choose to love you." 

His mind completely shut down. What was he supposed to do? There wasn't exactly a solid deflect he could block this with. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to deny it. His heart picked up the pace as he realized you were just staring, probably expecting him to say something just as romantic and heart melting. 

But he couldn't? Not that he didn't love you, that couldn't be farther from the truth. It was because you truly left the silver tongue prince speechless.

So much for all those years spent in the library, reading extraordinary poems about love. He couldn't think of anything! He couldn't even think about how he was failing to think, it was just confused static.

"You don't have to say anything," You whispered, your sweet breath overloading his senses. "I know you're not used to this and - together - we'll work on warming you up to the idea. When you're ready, of course. Until then," You pressed a soft kiss onto the tip of his nose. "I'll be right here." 

"Stop that," His voice was barely audible, a quiver in his lips making it difficult for him to form the words. "I have a reputation to maintain." 

He quickly dug his head into the crook of your neck, attempting to hide his soft sobs. You held him close, murmuring reassuring words into his cute ear. "You never have to keep up a front around me, okay? You're safe with me, I promise." 

"Gah, enough nonsense! This was supposed to be fun not sad!" He laughed over his tears, burying his head deeper into your hair. 

"I love your laugh." 

"Stooopp," He whined. 

"I love you so much," 

"Enough with the sentiments, y/n, please." 

"Do you really want me to stop?" You leaned back to get a better view of his face. You kept the question light, truly not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He took more than a few minutes to respond. 


You laughed and held him as close as humanly possible. He kissed your temple, smiling against your hair. You paid no mind to the drops that fell down your cheek, not really caring if they were yours or his. 

You loved him and that was enough. That's all you'll ever need: a God who is terrible at affection but can't go a day without it. 

Truly glorious.

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