💖15-17k celebration💖

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A/n: thank you guys like what the heck, I love you all so much❤❤❤


Okay I hope this is a good part two, part 3 will be coming soon

It had been a week or so since you and Loki broke up. Everything was still so raw for you while he was as cold as an iceberg, ignoring everything, especially you. The team knew of it, since he made it quite obvious, and made it their personal mission to make every moment as miserable for him as possible.

Though, it was fun watching everyone move in subtle ways, leaving no space for your ex to sit, it didn't rid the fact he tore your heart out and stomped on it, squishing it like a bug. He used to be your everything. Now, he was nothing more than a reminder of pain.

You did your fair share of distancing from him but eventually, you didn't have to try. He hid himself away from the world, staying locked up in his room. Thor was the only reason he got food, otherwise the team would've let him rot.

It wasn't till one fateful afternoon where you both were forced to work together, in more ways than one.

"What's up?" You strolled into the conference room casually, noticing everyone was bickering with Nick about something. No one seemed to notice you as they all talked over each.

"Fury! You can't! Let me go instead!" Natasha bargained with the director. He shook his head, grumbling.

"They have every quality we need for this mission-" His eye met yours for a brief moment and he cut himself off. His gaze drifted to something behind you and he sighed. "Y/n. Loki."

You whipped around, coming face to face with the heartbreaker. You went rigid, wanting to attack, scream and/or cry. He glared back at you before harshly shoving you to the side. Your back hit the door frame, forcing a small squeak out of you.

"No. I'm not working with her." He drew out a hiss, casting an evil eye your way. You were confused until you noticed a singular file on the table.

"You're kidding me, right?" You scoffed, ramming your shoulder into him as you walked past. He stumbled, growling as you flipped through the report files.

From the looks of it, Nick Fury was right: you two were the best ones for this job. He had the magic and you had practically everything else. Brains, brawns, common sense, the ability to communicate problems before the escalate to the point of no return-

You took a deep breath, slowly closing the file and placed it back on the table. The air was tense, like usual, before you sighed.

"I'm in."

"What?" Loki snapped. "This mission could be easily done without you! You don't get to decide whether-"

"LOKI!" Director Fury slammed his hands down, silencing the furious toddler of a man besides you. "You're going with her." You stuck your tongue out at him, smirking. He snarled like a cranky grandpa. "Y/n, its a team job. Means work together."

You nodded. Loki shook his head but mumbled an agreement. "When do we start?" He threw two bags into your hands.


The mission went rather smoothly. You and Loki barely talked unless it was needed. But they were simple like 'left' or 'top wire,' nothing else.

The air was still as thick as grandma's pudding. You itched to ask him why. What happened and why did he lead you on for so long? But you stayed quiet, wanting to get out and never talk to him again as soon as possible.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now