Birthday surprise!

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A/n: im going to kill my wifi for being stupid and deciding I couldn't post yesterday!!! I MISSED MY BABY'S BIRTHDAY ;~; I hope this makes up for it

You held your breath as you carefully placed the last candle onto the cake. You ran backwards and let the breath out. Your satisfied smile grew as you examined your hard work.

The 5 tier cake stood tall and proud. Green dollops of icing were circled on top of every tier, edible gold were sprinkled on each one. The base color was white because the black would be too consuming.

You froze dark chocolate swirls and placed them at the base of each layer of cake. Two gold fondant horns were sticking out from the top tier. In between them were sparkly green letter candles, spelling out 'LOKI'.

The whole thing was covered in exactly one thousand and fifty-five black candles. It was a large, dramatic eyesore of a cake.

Just how Loki would've wanted.

The the only problem was how were you going to get the ginormous dessert into the party room. Luckily, your answer skipped through the door.

"Wanda!" You smiled, running over to give her a hug. She laughed and returned the embrace. You pushed back and grabbed her face. "You don't know how happy I am to see you"

"I'm happy to see you too?" She mumbled due to you squeezing her face a bit too hard.

"I need you, please!" She removed your hands and nodded. "Thank you! Okay, come here. I need you to pick up that"

The witch's jaw hit the floor. You beckoned her over but she was still in shock.

"You made that all in one day?!"

"Two days, actually" You smiled sheepishly.

"I- wow!" She laughed and gave you another hug. "This is amazing, Y/n! Where do you need it?"

You helped her walk through the halls, towards the room you had set Loki's surprise party in. Her enchanting red magic held it sturdy in the air as she followed. You made beeping noises like a truck backing up as you made your way.

She carefully set your creation down on the table. You let out a sigh of relief when the cake stayed firm.

"Thank you so much, Wanda!"

"No problem! Glad I could help" She giggled. "But why so much? Er no offense!" You shook your head.

"Well, Loki told me he's never had a real birthday party. He said his mother would bring him some cake and Thor would bring a present or two but that was it" You shrugged, slightly sad. But you shook that away and clapped your hands in determination. "This year, I'm not letting that happen! I'm going to give him the birthday of a lifetime!"

"Wow, that's- woah. But uh question, where'd you find that many candles?" You laughed and sighed.

"Walmart kicked me out of their baking section..." Wanda snorted. You both heard the elevator ding and you silently cheered as Wanda left, giving you a thumbs up.

You ran out, wanting to greet the group. And thank them. The rest of the Avengers really didn't want to take Loki out but after calling in a few favors, they agreed.


"May I ask how?" Loki asked, pretty pissed himself. You poked your head around the corner, seeing the men separating themselves from the God.

"You pushed and scared a sweet old lady!" Steve shoved past him.

"I did not! I bumped into her and she startled! I would never attack such a weak being!"

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