Mind readers don't make very good match makers

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A/n: this has to be my favorite one-shot I've ever made (for now.) It's really stupid, it's great. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have <3

Warning: strong language, second hand embarrassment, my other unhealthy love for Natasha and implied smut

Everyone sat quietly and listened in on Steve's speech as he went on a rant about the past few missions. It was easy to tell that everyone - literally everyone was bored out of their minds.

Wanda had her head propped up in her hand while her other hand lazily tapped against the table. She looked around, finding the same amount of boredom in people's eyes that she felt herself. The best way to cure such a dull day was to gain a new perspective.

With a small wiggle of her fingers, she cast a simple mind reading spell and hopped into someone's mind. Her first and most common victim: Pietro.

Like always, he was thinking about running away. Not away away but running. Simple man, simple aspirations, nothing new. Moving on, she slipped into Sam's thoughts next.

It was a fight memory from a mission he previously went on. Nothing interesting. Sometimes, he made commentary on whatever was happening - which never failed to make Wanda smile - but today, he wasn't into it.

Her gaze slid to you and she smiled. Your thoughts were so intriguing, half the things Wanda barely understood but it was always nice to have a radio to tune in on whenever. Today, you had Poker face by Lady Gaga stuck in your head.

It made sense why you gently rocked your head back and forth.

Wanda hid her laugh behind her hand when you suddenly stopped, chicken nuggets now occupying your mind. She nodded gently, listening in on your internal debate on whether you wanted McDonald's or homemade. It was so cute how you made a little pros and cons list. When you decided that homemade nuggets would be healthier, that's when Wanda tapped out.

She went back to just gazing at people or gently picking at her thumb. She yawned and grabbed her water bottle, taking a nice, refreshing drink. The cold water ran down her throat as some movement on her left grabbed her attention. Wondering what it was, she glanced over to the blur.

It was Loki. His gaze was stuck on the projector as Steve talked but he looked so uncomfortable? His chest was rising in an unusual way and he kept shifting around, like he was about to have a nervous breakdown. He looked so incredibly uncomfortable, Wanda had to know why.

With yet another small flick of her wrist, she began to read his mind. It was pretty dark and she got worried. Loki and her weren't close but if she had the chance to help him calm down, she would.

She followed a small path of dimly lit candles and stopped at a door. This was something new. Wanda never read his mind before, so this was definitely something to get used to if she wanted to help. She gently nudged the door open and found him lying in bed.

With you on top of him.

Wanda choked on her water, zooming out of his head. The whole team looked back at her coughing figure, this was probably the most exciting part of the meeting.

"Wanda, everything okay?" Steve asked, holding a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine," She waved him off, nodding. He gave a quick smile before going back to his lecture. She kept her head on the table for a while, that was the danger of reading minds. She could find anything, whether she wanted to or not.

The witch sat up with a deep breath and looked over to Loki once more. He must've felt her presence in his mind because he was staring right back at her. Wanda's wide eyes and flushed face caused his breath to get caught in the back of his throat.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora