Roles Reversed

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A/n: I've noticed that the majority of Loki stories are just him being a tsundere and the reader is shy and sweet but what if

You were the Goddess of Mischief?

Warning: strong language


The library was quiet besides the small creaks from the old wooden shelves. Book after book, filled with luscious words, weighed the planks down after so many years. It gave it such a unique touch to the normally bland dark oak casing.

The fireplace provided a warming and comforting atmosphere. The dim yellow wrapped you and the lounge chair in a sweet sense of security. The book you held had engrossed you, getting lost between the lines. The familiar smell of ink and paper made everything better.

It wasn't until a certain pattern of footsteps neared when your brain snapped back to reality. You glanced up over the pages of your favorite book and caught a dark figure running their finger along the many leather bound books.

When they turn around, your suspicions are confirmed. After all, Loki was the only one who was as in love with literature as you. He flashed a soft smile before sitting across from you. His long legs crossed at the ankle and he leaned back, visibly relaxing the moment he opened the book.

You nodded in acknowledgement.

Loki was probably the most tolerable mortal out of everyone. He kept to himself and stayed out of your way. Mostly.

It was weird. He had some sort of interest with you, that much was obvious. You constantly caught him staring at you - whether it was out of the corner of his eye or straight on glaring - you always seemed to get his attention.

He also loved stopping by your room. The Midgardian liked to hang around you, casually inviting himself into your room and admiring practically everything. Weird. Though it was kind of cute.

Gods, it was hilarious to watch him freak over your armor. He's made it clear many, many times he's never seen so much gold in his little life. Loki's reaction when you told him the palace was made up of the pure ore was priceless. You've even caught him trying on your helmet.

Now, that reaction was something you wished you could see more often.

Though he was quite an interesting mortal, he was still a mortal. A pathetic Midgardian. Pathetic Midgard.

You wouldn't have to be here if it weren’t for your brother- actually, your sister. Well, Surtur was the one to officially destroy Asgard but Hela was the one who caused Ragnorok. Actually, you started Ragnarok to kill your sister, which killed Asgard. Honestly, it all boiled down to Odin being a terrible father.

You wouldn't have to be here if Thor just let you travel space but, he took the Tesseract from you, ruining everything.

"Y/n?" Your head snapped up at the call of your name. Loki faltered, your sharp eyes throwing him off for a moment. He wasn't sure if your deadly glare was terrifying or arousing. "May I ask your opinion on something?"

You thought for a moment before nodding. "You may."

"Would you have any, uh any advice for asking... another person out?"

His fingers fiddled with the pages of the book he wasn't reading. Truth be told, ever since you came to Earth, the library wasn't a reading space anymore. It had been completely transformed into a time that was fully dedicated to admiring the Goddess you literally were.

"Why would you need that information?" You raised an eyebrow and Loki shrunk into his chair.

"Uh, I was trying to help out a friend. You know, they're having... relationship problems."

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