Infinity War

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A/n: ITS BEEN A WHILE IM SO SORRY!!! Life really put me on spim cycle. I haven't been feeling much better and my endoscopy keeps getting pushed back. I wanted to wait til after I get my stomach problems under control b4 I started posting again but it's been too long :( I missed writing and I missed you guys too. Thanks for being so patient with me.

Uh, I'm still going to be on and off and my stories may not be great bc I am still struggling but whatever.

This is just the Wanda and Vision scene but you and Loki bc angst >:)

Warnings: angst, death, slight gore

Okay, I love you all <3 enjoy :)

The war around you continued, but it was soon coming to an end. And you knew it. No matter how hard everyone fought, the mad titan was getting closer. He had the hulk buster fused with the giant stone, thrown Rogers far to the side and now he threw The Black Panther to the ground.

Your hand was in a deadly grip as you and Loki watched Thanos discard the Avengers one at a time. Your free hand fell to the power stone welded into your chest. The stone that saved your life but now... it was time to go.

"Loki," You took a deep breath, squeezing her hand before letting it go. Hating the loss of contact, her head whipped to face you, her emerald eyes always catching you off guard. "I think it's time."

"Nuh-uh. No." She shook her head rapidly and tried to move forward, probably to fight Thanos herself.

"They can't stop him, Loki." You caught her wrist and made her face you again. "But we can, you have the power to-"

"Stop it!" Loki cried out in as much pain as you were in.

"We are... out of time," You gave her a watery smile and placed her hand on your cheek before kissing her palm.

"I can't." She swallowed thickly, shaking her head, her hair following her.

Pushing her hand back, you nodded, "You can," She tried to step forward but you didn't let her. "If he gets the stone, half the universe dies."

"I don't care, I don't!" Loki was barely holding it together as you kept pushing her away. "I can't lose you! Not again!"

"Loki," You smiled up at her and took a deep breath with her. "I know it's not fair, it shouldn't be you, but it is." She stood a foot or two away from you now, her eyes watering up. "It's okay, you could never hurt me."

She closed her eyes, shaking her head softly this time. You still smiled. She always was convinced she was a monster, and this was most definitely not helping that train of thought. But she couldn't ever hurt you, she never has. And never will.

"I'll just feel you," A shaky sigh left her lips as she backed up a bit more, extended her hand, aiming it right at your chest.

Her green seidr grew in her worn hand and with the most regret you've ever seen in her eyes, she let the power go.

It hit you square in the chest and it hurt. It hurt so much. It felt worse than when you got impaled through the heart by a flaming sword, the reason you had the surgery to implant the power stone in your chest.

You knew it would. And you weren't going to tell her. All she needed to know was that she was doing the right thing.

Taking a steadying breath, you managed to keep eye contact with your love. "It's okay, you're doing great." She gave a weak nod and turned to see how close Thanos was getting.

It was too close.

Loki let out a small sob as she added in her other hand, increasing the power. The pain increased by tenfold but you still smiled at her. Rogers struggled to hold Thanos back, soon failed, being punched off. Loki turned a hand to Thanos, pushing him and holding him off as her other hand kept gnawing away at the stone in your chest.

She was crying softly as she poured more of her power into your chest. You felt all of it and when it began to crack.

"I love you," You smiled and let your eyes fall shut as the stone broke. She sobbed at your words and that was it. You felt it break, the power leave your body and maybe a slow, comforting heartbeat or two, but after the stone split into pieces, you were done.


"NO!" You were forced to take a large breath and your eyes flew open. Instinctively, you looked around for Loki and found her latched onto Thanos' arm. She was gripping onto the gauntlet with everything thing she had, three of her daggers in his other arm.

She was clawing at the time stone, screaming at him in Asgardian. But Thanos was still stronger. He ripped Loki off him and threw her into a tree, far away from you.

"Loki!" You screamed, getting to your feet and ran over to her. You had no idea how you were alive or what was happening but you did know that Loki wasn't moving and you needed to help her.

You were lifted off the ground by a giant purple hand, holding you by the back of your throat. It was useless to struggle but did so anyways, you needed to get to Loki.

"I think you have something of mine," Thanos jabbed at your chest, smiling menacingly. Before digging into it.

Loki's magic was nothing compared to this pain, this wasn't even describle. A giant cat claw maybe, slowly forcing its way into your heart. You could've screamed if it didn't hurt so much.

With a disturbing squelch, Thanos ripped your heart and dropped you to the floor. You watched as he tore the power stone from your heart and set it drop into his glove. Then you were done, no heartbeat, no last breath, nothing. You just laid there and bled out.


The leafs crunched behind Loki, stopping besides him. "I think they would be proud of you." Thor stood besides his brother, a small bouquet of roses in his hand. Loki didn't say anything. "Where should I put them?" He asked softly, receiving a nod towards a dusty teddy bear.

Thor nodded and knelt down, fixing up the flowers besides said teddy bear. He looked back up with a frown when his brother scoffed.

"Don't... cover their-" Loki pulled Thor up and snatched the flowers. "Don't cover their name up, moron."

"Loki, I'm trying." Thor sighed, withholding his aggravation. He was trying not to bother Loki right now, not here.

"Not hard enough," He growled, adjusting everything in front of your gravestone until was perfect, keeping your name clean and open.

He stood back, admiring your headstone, decorated with cards and gifts from fans. A few items from the Avengers and flowers from him every month. Thor tagged along this time. Last time, Frigga joined with on Loki's monthly visits.

"Ready?" Thor asked after a few minutes of silence. Loki nodded but didn't follow him as he began to walk off.

Instead, he stepped forward and placed two fingers on the side of your gravestone. A spark of green magic rippled through his fingers but didn't go any further than that. He let out a shaky huff and backed off.

"I can't feel you," He wiped at his eye. "I still... can't... feel you."

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