Battle on the Bifrost

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A/n: so this isn't anything that has been requested, still working on them... The widow pt 2 should be posted very soon but it's been more than 2 weeks since I last updated... my bad

Summary: (ik I haven't been doing these, I HAVE SMALL BRAIN, I FORGET) The youngest prince of Asgard has been declared a tratior days before Thor's coronation. He's fled the palace and you happen to be the last guard stopping him from reaching only exit. The Bifrost.

Anyways, I love you all, see you guys in a bit ;) <3

"Loki." If your stance and drawn sword weren't obvious enough, the vemon that clung to every syllable did. This wasn't a threat, much less a greeting. No, it was a warning.

The rouge prince halted mere feet away from you. His dark expression faltered for nearly a moment before it repossessed his features. "Y/n, trying to stop me, are you?" He snarled, chuckling at the thought of you attempting to defeat him.

"Don't make me do this," His laugh grew louder.

"Or what? You think you can beat me?" You swallowed and held your sword tightly.

"No, I would never think of something I already knew of."

But he was right. You couldn't stop him, not by fighting. He was ten times as strong as you and you both knew it. That wasn't the goal anyway. It was to stall him long enough for Odin to reach his son.

"Such confidence! Almost enough to blind you." He applauded sarcastically. You were more focused on how he hasn't taken out any weapons yet.

"Loki, please-"    

"Begging?" He laughed. "Lady Y/n, I thought you were above that. You simply never seize to amaze me." His sentence slowed into a growl. "We both know you've longed to prove yourself in a fight against me, so I'm giving you that chance."

"Believe me, Loki, nothing in the nine realms would make me happier than to kick your arse but this isn't just me vs. you," His hands moved to his daggers. "If you attack me, it'll become Asgard against you. Soon enough, the nine realms against you!"

"Maybe, but at least I'll have Jotunheim."

"The Allfather had already made peace with them. Don't get so ahead of yourself."

"Is that what Odin told you?" Loki began to stalk forwards, his narrowed eyes focused on your throat. "The old fool hasn't done anything to gain Laufey's favor! His only chance is fleeing Asgard as we speak."

He was bluffing, you've been on the bifrost since the prince went missing. No one has gotten past you or Heimdall.

"You're better than this, Odinson!" You snapped, a slight pleading weaved its way into the shout. Just like your voice, Loki snapped as well.

He ran forward, daggers drawn with one aiming for your head. Like your captain taught, you brought your sword up and stopped his blades. You forced him backwards and rammed into his side. He only stumbled a step or two before re-entering the battle.

Loki easily put you on the defensive, your only moves consisting of blocks and dodges. His endurance was also a lot stronger than yours.

Briefly, there was a small opening and you took it. You forced your blade down on his unassuming knives and forced through them. Loki fumbled back a few steps, not nearly as many as he had forced you but enough to where you could start fighting again.

The sound of shouting and metal clashing filled the bridge as you and Loki were lost in the intense dance that was war. Wherever the Allfather was, it wasn't close enough. You could feel your muscles screaming as you fought. If Loki felt the same, he sure knew how to hide it.

Slash after slash, punch and kick after every stab. He was relentless. Who knows how long you two were fighting but eventually, you began to lose. Every move he made sent you back more than a few steps. You tried bringing your sword down on him once more but he stopped it with his own blades and stomped against your gut.

You tumbled backwards, your armor smashing against every bruise and cut the god created as you skid along the Rainbow Bridge. You finally managed to stop and rolled over on your back, panting hard.

"You know nothing about me!" Loki drove his foot right onto your windpipe. You desperately clawed at his armored ankle as he slowly pushed down further. "What a shame," He pressed his boot further. "I'll be sure to write your final battle into my history books."

"You're a bastard," You whispered, your eyes burning as death loomed over.

"Careful now,. You're the one with with foot on her nec-" A giant flash of gold stole the god away, removing his entire being away from you.

You sat up, gasping for air. You're never taking the natural element of air for granted ever again.

Without warning, the Bifrost began to shake. You looked up and found none other than Heimdall slowing to a stop as ice formed around him. Loki passed around the frozen guardian with more than a disgusted expression on his face. Way more than that.

"Yo- you-" Words extinguished in your throat as you met his gr- red eyes.

"A frost giant?" Loki growled, sending the Casket of Winters away in a magic pocket. "Wonderful eye, Y/n. Perhaps you should become a scout." He teased. "That is, if you live."

Deja vu hit you like a train as Loki ran forward. No dagger or relic, only pure rage glowing in his eyes - that had turned back to normal. His hand slammed around your throat, cold and constricting.

As dark, chilling death blurred your vision... he let go. Your heavy and exhausted body dropped as he did. "I can't do it... not to you."

He got cut off by the stampede of guards mounted on horses nearing.

You blearily opened your eyes, looking up at Loki. His own were fixated on his hand as the blue faded away. When his Aesir form returned, he flipped his palm over before dropping his arm entirely.

Loki looked up at the oncoming warriors and back to you. Something in him changed, he wasnt angry anymore. He looked pained. He looked hurt and betrayed. And then he ran off, leaving you weak and gasping on the Bifrost.

"Lady Y/n!" Thor hopped off his steed, dropping next to you. He searched your body for any major injuries before gently helping you to your feet. You glanced over his shoulder and caught eyes- well, eye, with the Allfather. He was furious.

A pang of guilt and failure coursed through you. You had failed to stop Loki. Thor's arm wrapped under your arms to help you walk to his horse.

Odin rode past, screaming at Loki to stop but he was too late. The prince was gone.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ