(late) 10k special

2.9K 99 161

Author's note:

Holy. Shit.

I- what? Words cannot be formed right now.

I've been working on this story for our 10k celebration, trying to make it the best I could. And after a lot of struggle and school and life, it's done


I cannot, really I swear I can't wrap my mind around this. Almost 15k of you read this!? You decided to read mine?

What!? I really feel like this story isn't enough! Argh! I wanna make only the best for you all!

Seriously, you guys, girls and my lovely non-binary blurs, I love you. I really do.

Wow i- okay just read the first part of the story while I figure out how to process all of this.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Seriously, Thank you

Sunlight streamed through the blinds as the birds outside chirped. You woke up pleasantly, a small smile on your face. Your back was turned to the one who took you to euphoria time and again. Last night was one of those wondrous trips.

"Morning, Loki." You sighed contently as you rolled over. It took you a few eye rubs to realize, Loki wasn't there.

You sat up, patting his area for any sign of him. The sheets weren't even ruffled anymore. There wasn't a note, either. There was no sign of him at all.

A slam of doors caused you to jump. Loki strode out of the bathroom, already fully dressed. You waved at him but he seemed to be unaware of your existence.

"Hey love, where are you going?" You asked with a light voice, shrugging off the weird feeling.

"I went for a jog," Loki looked down at his phone. "Hurry up before breakfast is gone." And then he... just walked out?

You let your smile falter as you slumped. That was weird. Is he...? No! No, we all have bad days Y/n! He's probably just tired.

After getting dressed, you skipped to the kitchen, not letting your tense morning interaction ruin your mood. You grabbed a plate of French toast and made your way over to Loki.

He was spread out on the loveseat you two usually share, looking completely unbothered as he read a book. You opened your mouth to say something but clamped up as he shot you a look.

You walked back over to the kitchen counter and took a seat next to Mantis and Thor. He showed her every flavor of poptart he liked, and Mantis took them with glee. A sense of loneliness crawled into you as they laughed. Unfortunately for you, the sweet and usually clueless alien noticed your sudden sadness.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She peeked over Thor's shoulder, tilting her head at you. "Would you like to try the pooptarts!"

"Mantis, it's poptarts," Thor snickered before choking on the crumbs. You gave a weak smile, and nodded. She shared a look with the god and frowned.

You pushed out of your seat before she could read your mind or whatever it is she does.

You twirled into the library, hoping Loki was in a better mood. You had left him alone all day but now it was seven pm- the time he reads to you!

Your cheery mood plummeted as you found your boyfriend, sitting in his favorite reading chair. With the back facing yours.

"Loki?" You squeaked, keeping your distance. He didn't look up as he hummed. "Is something wrong?"

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now