Taken from me

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Not me, debating on apologizing for taking forever to post or bc i rushed this....

ANYWAYS, this was a request from fairlyaround on our 1 year anniversary post :D (I'm working on the others I swear)

Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of torture/abuse but Loki comes to the rescue :D, slight memory loss and light gore, kind of open ending and that's kind of it... also it's mostly from Lokis PoV :)

Enjoy my lovelies <3

Loki held you close against his chest as you two hid in a storage closet. You both held your breath as too many hydra agents lurked by. His hands tightened around your back, pressing you even closing to him. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, breathing him in quietly. Your fear only spiked as the handles of the door began to rattle.

"Loki..." You whimpered, digging your face into his shoulder.

"Shh, I know, darling, it's okay." He cooed gently and let his hand rub up and down your back. Even though you both could take on an army with ease, it was still nerve-wracking. Especially knowing his life was on the line. You'd do anything if it meant Loki was safe, as would he for you.

"You two okay?" Cap threw the doors open. Loki shoved you out with a deep scowl.

"After being in there with..." You could see his mouth tremble, his stance weakened as he forced the words out of his mouth. "That horrid thing? I'll never recover." He stormed off, leaving your heart thudding hard in your chest.

"Don't pay him any mind," Steve gave a small smile, patting your back. "He hates everyone." You laughed it off and strode besides the Captain as you two planned on returning to the quinjet. It was hard to keep on a smile, hating that they all still viewed Loki as a heartless floater. He had a heart, sure it was beaten and scarred but he had one. And tp you, it was beautiful.

Before you could get lost in the thought of Loki, a bomb went off and you were sent flying into the nearest wall. Which was crumbling quite rapidly. It was hard to get back up but you weren't an Avenger for nothing. You got to your feet and immediately started scanning the mess for Loki. He called your name over the deafening noise of the base crumbling to the ground. You barely got a glance but it was enough, for now. Right now, you had to get yourself and Loki to safety, then you could assess the situation properly.

Three different sets of hands grabbed onto you, forcing you to the floor and trying to knock you out. It was hard to see anything over the dust and rubble falling everywhere. You managed to throw someone out of the way but your confusion and panic was your downfall. The other two yanked your hands into chains and kept you still as they pummeled you until you finally passed out.

"Y/N!" Loki shrieked. He had lost sight of you awhile ago, fear ebbing into between his bones. When he saw you thrown over a hydra agent's shoulder, limp and bleeding, his panic shot through the roof.

He booked it towards the two who had taken you. If it wasn't for Captain's large metal frisbee, he would've been crushed by the roof that collapsed in front of the exit the agents took you down. All Loki could focus on was how he was now permanently separated from you.

"Loki!" Rogers had to scream over the rumbling to be heard. "We have to go!"

"They took Y/n!" Loki snapped back. Unbeknownst to Steve, he was on the verge of tears. The captain only took it as a joke.

"It's Y/n!" He chuckled. "She can handle herself until we can get to her." What kind of excuse was that, Loki thought. He was more than confident in your abilities to hold your own but that didn't mean he wanted you to. What he wanted was you to be safely wrapped in his arms, under his blankets, relishing in the warmth of you.

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