A little surprise

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You stood next to Loki, your boyfriend, as Steve gave you the mission details. You were too distracted, more focused on poking Loki on his side than listening really.

"-y/n and Tony can deal with the tech. Everyone clear on the plan?" Steve asked, looking like a school teacher. You slightly panicked because you had no idea what tech you had to deal with.

"Y/n is not going" Loki crossed his arms, looking as serious as ever. Everyone, including yourself stared at him.

"What do you mean by that? Y/n can make her own decisions, Loki" Tony glared.

"No, she's not going"

"What? Who put you in charge?" You questioned your boyfriend, visibly upset. He just shrugged.

"You're not ready for it" He said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" You glowered at him. "I am more than capable of doing things myself!"

"You're not going, thats final" He glared back at you. What was his problem?

You turned to Captain America for help but he stayed silent. The whole team did.

"Really? Do you guys agree with him?!" No one said a word. "Fine, guess I'll sit on my 'unprepared' ass while you guys go dilly around" You stomped off afterwards.

You shouted in frustration as you flopped down on the bed. You grabbed a pillow and smashed your head into it. Why would Loki say such a thing? He's your boyfriend! He should be the most supportive one!

Familiar, heavy footsteps approached the bed and you sighed into the cushion. The mattress dipped and you removed the pillow from your face, already snarling.

"What do you want?"

"Dont take it personally, love, its for the best" Loki placed a kiss on your forehead. "Trust me"

"Thats what you always say! Why can't you trust me?" Your voice involuntarily cracked on the last word.

"Its not that I don't trust you, dear. Its-" He cut himself off and searched your face for who knows what.

"Its what, Loki?" You hissed. He just shook his head in return.

"You're staying here and thats final!" His face went stern and for a moment, you were afraid to talk back. He got up, heading for the door. "Goodbye, Y/n. I'll be back soon"

"Hey Loki?" You sat up, swinging your legs over the side. "Maybe we should... take a break.. from this, from us"

Loki stopped dead in his tracks. You could see him tense up from the corner of your eye. He took a shaky breath in.

"Is that what you want?" He asked carefully, still refusing to turn around.

"Yeah, maybe"

He left without a sound, leaving you. You felt so drained.

You loved Loki, you truly did but he constantly doubted you. It was so aggravating! Everyone on the team knew how powerful you were yet when he said things like that, they never helped you out.

'Thats it' You gritted your teeth. 'I'm going on that mission and no one is going to stop me'

Using the skills Natasha and Clint had taught you, you bust open the vent. You lifted yourself up and started crawling to the helipad. You knew you were close when you heard Steve talking about mission stuff.

When you got to the closet vent to the Quinjet, you dropped down without anyone noticing. You grabbed some equipment as best you could and ran into the back of the jet.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now