The Siren part 3

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A/n: here, The final part. I hope u enjoy, I need a three year long nap

Warnings: PTSD, implied attempt of suicide but it isn't that bad, strong language and I think that's it :D

Enjoy!! <3

It had been a good month and a half since you got to the village. Most of your time had been spent in a hospital bed with your new kitty companion, Hades. It was quite ironic when Gerald appeared a day or two after he dropped you off, the same black cat that followed him around in his boat, crying. 

He explained that ever since you left, the little fur ball would hop in the boat or hammock where you laid last and meow in sorrow. He tried everything to calm the cat down but nothing worked, the last option was to see if he missed you. And it turned out, he did. 

Gerald gifted you the green eyed feline and said his final goodbye. He was a nomad, after all and knowing he found that sweet cat had a trustworthy owner made it easier to leave. 

Since then, you named him Hades after much thought. You couldn't deny it though, the name Lucky constantly popped into your head but given that it was too similar to a name you wanted to forget, Hades was the second best. He not only lifted your own spirits, but many others on the island. And just like you, he absolutely refused to go near the water. 

The doctors were surprised by how quickly you managed to recover, some say it was the cat who helped you heal but it was just a bunch of nonsense. Yes, it was surprising how fast you healed and yes, Hades lowered stress levels but he was an innocent cat, he had no ability to heal. 

In the few weeks after you were released, you didn't really need to think if you should stay. The people made you feel so welcome and soon enough, you became a part of their family. 

The younger kids quite liked your presence since you seemed to be the only adult who would play with them. As much as you loved playing keep away, a sharp whistle caught your attention, dragging you away from the game. Hades trotted behind as you crossed over to Fern, the island messenger. 

"Y/n," She met you halfway, her arms crossed tightly. "There's a man claiming he knows you and won't leave until he talks to you." Hades hopped onto your shoulders as you blinked at her. 

"Uh... who?" You reached up to scratch your pet behind the ears. 

"He won't say, he only demands he speaks with you." She glanced at the island 'reception,' a small townhouse that dealt with outsiders before they could wander the small village. When she met your gaze again, she seemed concerned, her brows knit together. 

You didn't know who was here for you, you weren't aware people still thought you were alive. The only person who could... 

"Does he have an eye patch?" You mumbled, praying Fern would shake her head. Instead, she nodded stiffly. "Dammit." 


Hades weaved through your legs, his fluffy tail raised in caution as he sat near your ankles. You didn't need to ask if he was okay, your cat was wonderful at defending himself. You didn't need to ask the not such a stranger if he was alright, either, his rage was clear enough. 

Deciding the silence would suffocate you if you didn't, you began. "Director Fury-" 

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouted, slamming a fist on the restaurant's table. "You were presumed dead for 3 months and while we're all mourning, I get news you're living it up on some island vacation!" 

"I never asked you to mourn-" 

"You weren't there to tell us otherwise, agent!" You leaned back from his loud voice. Nick Fury was practically puffing out smoke as he talked, furious. Rightfully, you supposed. 

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя