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A/n: sorry if this is bad, I been eating a five course meal of writers block with a side of crispy lack of creativity along with a steady flow of no motivation mead. So if you have any requests, please feel free to ask. And don't worry if I stop posting for a spell, I'm not in the writing mood 😔

Coming out fresh from your shower, you sighed in happiness. You walked over to you nightstand to grab a sip of water before going to change when you saw something move. You slowly lifted your cup, wary of what had caught you eye when a spider crawled onto your hand.

Dropping the cup with a shriek, you frantically shook your hand. You ran back to the bathroom and hid behind the door, keeping an eye out for S̶e̶L̶e̶N̶i̶R̶  the 8-legged beast. Your sudden outburst did not go unnoticed because Loki ran into your room.

"(Y/n)? Is everything alright? What happened?" Your boyfriend's voice dripped with concern.

"A spider crawled all over me as I was trying to get some water!!" You wailed, gesturing to where you saw the spider last. Loki took a moment to calm down and with a huff of laughter, he went to investigate the crime scene. The Asgardian crouched down to where the cup had shattered, scanning the floor for the said spider.

"Theres nothing here, dove" He reassured as he approached your hiding spot. Loki peeked his head around the door to find you sitting on the counter, still wrapped in a towel.

"Oh, uhm.. no need to panic," The raven-haired god said, slowly walking towards you. You knew what he was about to say and looked down. Lo and behold, the one thing you had tried to avoid was crawling right besides your foot. You sprung up, screaming, and in you rush to leave, you bumped heads with Loki. He stumbled back, trying to regain some balance but ended up falling on the glass shards. He hissed in annoyance, less in pain as you landed right on top of him.

"Are you alright, dear?" Loki helped you sit up as you processed what had just happened. You look towards Loki's bloody arm and the cup shards sticking out of it.

"Am I okay? Loki, you just fell onto glass!" He looked down at his arm, completely unamused and plucked one shard out. You cringed in pain for him.

"I'll be fine, I've delt with worse" he shrugged "What about you?" You scanned yourself over to find nothing wrong except the small adrenaline rushing throughout your body.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just a little spooked"

"I'll have to keep that fear in mind" He winked playfully and you slightly swallowed, wondering what the god meant. He stood up, pulling you along with him, and walked back over to the bathroom. He crouched back down and rose once again with the thing that had caused this whole mess. The spider.

You backed up into your bed as Loki stode over to your window before stopping abruptly. 

"You know who else is afraid of spiders?" He turned, his trademark smirk playing across his face. You shook your head, failing to remember.

"Dr. Banner" And with that he sped off to scare the poor doctor. You would've ran after him but you were only dressed with a towel.

You closed your room door with a sigh and headed to your wardrobe.



You heard Loki's sweet but wicked laughter and laughed quietly with him. What could you expect? He was the God of Mischief after all.

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