Another Nightmare

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I guess I owe you guys a part four... aha.. nah it's fine, I just gotta figure out how loki isn't dead when he clearly died...

ANYWAYsS this one-shot was requested by MillieFinch6 sorry it took so long, I'm getting lazy again...

Hope you enjoy it <3

Whatever time it was, you had no idea. It was most certainly after 12 am though, for you had started reading an hour before that. Now, all time was lost, the only thing was you and your book. 'One more chapter' was whispered into the air about fifty times.

The lights around your hunched figure were all turned off, except for the lamp. Your little table lamp had become your best friend as you soaked in everything each page had to offer. You were absolutely engrossed with the story that you had completely ignored the crash from down the hall. If it did turn out to be dangerous then the others can deal with it, you had 'one more chapter,' after all.

Nothing else followed the loud noise - or you had managed to completely block out everything. In the corner of your focused eyes, you noticed the hallway lights had turned on according to the slit underneath your door. Maybe you had imagined it since they were off a blink later. Sleep deprivation can do that to you.

Your finger slid under the page you were about to finish, the brush of the soft paper had become too familiar to your touch, barely registering. Whatever secrets this book contained, you wanted all of it. You gently flipped the page the moment your door flew open.

You didn't even bother to look up. If they had something to say, you weren't going to listen. Even if this person tried threatening you, holding a knife to your neck, you'd ask for one more minute. Nothing was going to stop you from finishing the book tonight, even if you were going to die the moment you set it down.

At least, that was the plan - until it was brutally ripped away from your tired hands. Your head snapped up, ready to fight to the death for those leather bound pages. Your plan to initiate insta kill mode was put on pause as someone laid on top of you, clutching at your shirt as if a black hole was trying to swallow them.

Your fight or flight instincts got jammed, getting confused on whether you should punch whoever this was or not. They weren't on top of you like they were going to do something terrible. Their head was tucked tightly against your chest, their desperate hands holding you as close as possible. In fact, this felt more of a weird kind of cuddling.

Your whole 'books before bros' absolutely shattered the second you heard them sob.

It was Loki. He was the one who was clinging onto you for dear life, the one who was curled tightly into your confused embrace. The one who was crying. You quickly held him in a more comfortable way, gently rubbing his back.

"Loki? What's going on?" You carefully cooed. He only shook his head and shuffled even closer. "I can't help you if you won't talk to me,"

"You're..... you're alive, that's all... that's all that matters." His broken up cries made his words almost intelligible, but you could hear it. And it hurt.

What was he talking about? 'You're alive,' yeah, you've been alive for the past 20 something years! Did he do something that could've killed you? Was that the loud crash noise earlier, a plan to hurt someone that almost ended up hurting you?

"Loki, what do you mean? Yes, I'm alive and well, why wouldn't I be?" That must've been the wrong thing to say. He sobbed into your shoulder, his throat sounded so raw. This was pain. But why?

Loki shook his head, never lifting it once to look at you. Everytime you felt him try to say something, it was stopped by another painful howl. You held him closer, running your hands through his hair delicately.

It took him a while to calm down. He kept shifting around, never looking at you while he tried to find your heartbeat, pressing his ear against your chest just to hear it. for the most part, his arms were wrapped tightly around your torso, but there were times his hand would sneak up and hold your shoulder. Other than that, he stayed pretty still, his shoulders the most active body part, heaving with tears.

But, eventually he did stop. His deep, ragged breathing replaced his hard and heavy sobs. His death grip on you loosened significantly and he let his head relax slightly.

Gently, you tried sitting up, something he wouldn't let you do for the past... who knows. This time, he let you, carefully rolling off you. After all this time, Loki still hadn't looked at you. His eyes didn't ever meet yours. He was hiding something. Even though he had poured his whole heart out in those sobs, he still refused to show you his face.

You decided that if he wasn't going to talk - assuming that he still could after those throat scratching sobs - he could at least use some water. Glancing over your shoulder as you sat on the edge of the bed, you saw Loki curled into himself. Considering his height and long limbs, the fact he could keep himself so small was heartbreaking. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.

Keeping your feet light and noise to a minimum, you made your way into the kitchen to grab a large glass of water. No, a glass wouldn't replenish anything the poor man lost, a water bottle would be better. Hopefully. You grabbed the largest water bottle you could find and began to fill it up with ice, water soon following. You made sure to hurry back - after grabbing a few cookies Wanda made.

When you opened the door, Loki was gone. The sheets were still a mess, worse than how you left it. Still holding out some hope, you gently called out his name.

Loki's disheveled and tear stained face poked out from the bathroom before ramming into you. He squeezed you so tight, you could hear your ribs beginning to creak. He hurriedly threw you on the bed and sat in front of you - almost on top of you.

"Where were you? Why did you leave!" His voice was hoarse and filled with panic.

"I grabbed you some water," You mumbled quietly and focused on his eyes. The same eyes you hadn't seen since he broke into your room.

They were most definitely overflowing with fear. So much so, it seemed to have dimmed his bright, tricky, lovely eyes. They almost looked grey? As if someone drained him of his usual mischief.

Loki sat back on his heels, breathing unevenly. "Don't-" He held his head, grumbling. "Don't leave me."

"I wasn't ever planning to," You reassured him, pulling him closer. He collapsed into your arms. "Can you tell me what's happening?"

"Nightmares, bad decisions catching up with me and getting you killed." Well, that was brief. It was something, but too brief. He would not be crying so hard if it was just that. And if he was, that was okay too... just made less sense.

He rested his chin on your shoulder, staying close and quiet.

"Thank you for telling me," He gave a small nod. "And you're okay, I'm safe. You're safe, nothing is going to hurt you. Not while I'm here, okay?"

"...thank you," He gave your shoulder a kiss and turned to rest his cheek on it, his body moving to make sure you were more comfortable. Once you both were comfy and cozy, it wasn't hard to fall asleep.

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