Part 3

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A/n: you know what time it issss!

Warning: Gore, angst and pain

This is the last part btw and I'm sorry it's rushed... I just don't want this to turn into a full-fledged story.

I mean, unless you guys really want me to but otherwise, this is the end of the story.

Thank you for all your support! I still can't believe more than 35 thousand people chose to read my stories like AHHHH 💖💖💖
Okay bye, enjoy ;)

Loki laid face down on a small area of leaves as a makeshift bed while you worked on the campfire. You clacked a few rocks together in hopes of creating a spark but to no avail. 

"Here, 'llow me." Loki slurred his words and reached out to light the fire. You tenderly pushed his arm back, shaking your head. 

"You need all the strength you can get Loki," You forced a smile, hoping he would buy your 'everything's fine' act. Usually he never did but his exhausted state didn't catch on as he nodded weakly. 

You couldn't tell how long it had been since you managed to hide away into the cave but however long was too long. The sun was definitely setting and cold air filled the empty underground. 

Loki's skin had slowly but surely tinted blue. Whether that be from his frost giant adjusting to the cold or because he couldn't keep his Aesir form up any longer, you weren't sure. But if his brief story telling on the subject told you anything, it meant that he wasn't doing good. 

You had received no other contact from the Avengers. No one around, if any at all, seemed to be the friendly type. You had given Loki all the food so he could stay awake, which was proving to fail. 

Your fingers felt numb from holding the rocks. The fire refused to light and you were getting aggravated. You let the rocks fall from your hands, your hands shaking too much to work. 

The God hissed as he tried getting up. You were at his side within a second, hushing him. He grumbled in protest as you made him lay back down. 

"Loki, you-" 

"I know, I know but," A sharp gasp cut him off. Quickly, you shifted to his back and winced. Whatever he did caused the metal piece to dig itself deeper, a steady flow of blood forming. 

"You have to stop moving!" You warned, pushing him back down. "You're killing yourself!" 

"Let me light the fire, then I'll stop." He managed to breath out. Your frigid body begged him to do so but you were nervous. If he were to overexert himself, you weren't sure what you would do. 

"Fine," You sighed, deciding a simple light spell couldn't do much harm. 

With a flick, the fire lit. 

But of course, something went wrong. Green mist shot back through his arm. He screamed as it rolled through him, doing something sickening in his open wound. It shook the metal, creating more cuts inside the already deep wound. 

Your hands flew to your mouth as blood refilled it. You ripped off your sleeve and held it against him, trying to stop the bleeding. 

“You're going to have to take it out.” His breath was growing ragged. 

“But it’s gonna hurt!” You argued.

“It’ll hurt no matter what,” Loki knocked his dagger closer to you. He grabbed the homemade pillow and held it in front of his mouth. “Doing this gives me a better chance at regenerating faster.” He bit down on the pillow. “So, do it.”

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now