Muted dreams

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A/n: alright listen up, if I've made a mistake in writing a character with a disability: CALL ME OUT!!!

Sure, I do research but that's different from experience and that doesn't mean I'm right bc I read a few articles. I've been wanting to write stories where y/n is deaf, blind, in a wheelchair etc. But I'm scared I'm going to offend someone by stereotyping them or generally not being aware that it isn't actually like the things I've written or read about.

I truly don't ever mean to offend anyone, but that doesn't mean I've never done it. I do and will always take responsibility for it bc its MY lack of education on the topic. I'm more than willing to learn from my mistakes. So, with the nerves of 3 year old on a sugar high, I'm posting this story where you have mutism

I hope you enjoy <3

Loki eyed his door nervously. He had been under 'room arrest' for quite some time but, recently, Tony said that he could start adventuring the compound. He wasn't nervous, per say but he sure felt weird everytime he actually left his provided room - which he had grown dearly fond of. 

He's gone out plenty of times before, everyone barely paying him any mind. Thor was mostly the only one who would talk to him. To Loki, that was fine. He understood their reasons to keep their distance and he didn't like talking all that much anyways. But he was no God of Isolation. 

The more Thor tried to include his brother, the less Loki would fight against it. Eventually, Loki could sit with even Natasha without batting an eye. He still had to work on being comfortable with Bruce, but for the most part, he was able to blend in. 

He was tired of it. He wanted to talk...

He would notice the others reading some books he's read before and would get excited and try sparking up a conversation about it with them to only receive a disapproving glare. Sometimes he'd get a hum or nod but nothing that would keep a connection going.

You noticed that. And you made it your mission to make Loki feel as included as humanly possible - as godly as possible was a level you'd go for after the humanly one. 

Nothing was wrong, Loki found you decent enough to talk to and you found him interesting to learn from. What made this so difficult was that you were mute. 

It was difficult because the Asgardians could not - not even for the life of them - understand sign language. Thor talked with his hands but not in the way you needed him to and Loki was just straight up confused. Given no other option, you wrote everything down on a piece of paper. 

What does this have to do with Loki refusing to leave his room? Because he wanted to surprise you. He wanted to show you that he's been working on understanding ASL but every time he met up with Clint to practice, he would give up halfway because 'hand language doesn't make sense.' 

Oh and - if it wasn't obvious - it was because he was crushing on you. And you barely left him alone. It was, at times, scary. You'd disappear to do who knows what then pop out of nowhere, completely unannounced and give everyone a heart attack. The amount of times Loki’s almost stabbed you in self defense was a tad concerning. Yet it never bothered you.

So, ever so slightly, Loki opened his bedroom door and looked everywhere. He usually was careful and on the lookout for you because, well... he didn't wanna fall off his chair or hit you with a book again. This time, it was not because of your stealth nor because he had to meet up with Hawkeye, it was because he needed some embarrassing brotherly advice. 

Loki gently closed the door behind him and tip-toed his way over to Thor's room, keeping an eye out for you at all times. The hall was dimly lit given that it was around 4 am but if anyone knew Thor did obnoxiously loud early morning workouts, it would be the one who shared a bedroom with him for at least a 100 years before their mother let Loki move out. 

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