Author's note

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I wanted to politely say this when I could post the Widow pt2 but it's just getting out of hand.

Some people have been rudely messaging me about how "Lady Loki" is actually "Sylvie," and that I'm "not respecting trans people" by referring her as "Lady Loki." 😐

Let me make this as clear as possible, I write COMIC BOOK Lady Loki

^^^ That Loki ^^^

Not Sylvie.

My page/account is a safe space and when I mess up or offend someone, I encourage you guys to call me out because it is my fault of not being aware. That being said, don't call me a transphobe and some other crude things because you don't understand that I'm writing a specific character, different from your view on that character.

While we're at it, I honestly would rather not be associated with that show for so many reasons I'm sick of going over. From here on out, I ask you all to not bring in any Loki series characters anymore. And if you support that show or ship sl*ki... please get off my page. If you don't know why it's harmful, I have a few different links I can hand you to explain it but please please understand that show has made me so uncomfortable. Especially now that people are attacking me for not calling their "Lady Loki" slyvie.

Don't mean to come off as a stickler or anything but I'm getting so frustrated with all this hate. It's truly getting to the point I don't want to write anymore. If you don't like what I make, leave. It's not that hard. I get it, not everyone is going to be happy with what I make and I'm okay with that. Comments like "this story didn't sit that well with me" are okay too! It helps me understand what you guys like to see but calling me names because you don't like it? Get out.

Again, my page is safe for everyone but there's a line and it's been crossed.

I don't want to say I'm not going to post the Widow later bc the hate is getting to me but I'm debating on making it my last Lady Loki one-shot. And to those who are worrying if it's them I'm talking about, no, it's not. I've blocked the people who did and don't attack the people that comment once asking if it's slyvie or not.

Thanks for understanding, I'll post Widow pt2 soon :)

-Author <3

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