It has to be him!

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A/n: 👁👄👁

1- 15.6k reads? I-

wHy wE gOiNg sO FAST?!

Next update will be part 2 of the 10k one I promise but for now:

"Banner! Banner!" You and Bruce looked up from your hunched positions to find the giant god tumbling into the lab. "This one's him! I'm certain!"

"Thor, thats what you said last time," You sighed, spinning around on your stool. "And the time before that."

"And the time before that." The scientist said along with you.

"No, no! Its him!" Thor held a snappy green snake in his hands. "He tries to bite me! Thats such a Loki thing to do!" And just to prove it, the snake snapped in his face only for the God to laugh.

You hopped off your chair and ran forward, whisking the poisonous reptile away from his rugged hands. You walked over to an empty tank and placed the snake in. That was the 197th green creature Thor had brought in, convinced it was his one of brother's illusions.

"Y/n! You haven't tested him yet!" Thor pouted, rushing over to the glass tank. You had to use all your might to keep him away. "Banner! Do something, please?"

Bruce looked between you two. While Thor practically begged, you stared down your colleague. You knew the nerd had a crush on him and his pleading was very compelling for the love struck fool.

You glared at him as he nervously shuffled over and plucked the serpent from its container. Thor clapped and stomped over to the "Loki Identifier-anator 3000"

Guess who named it. Hint: the blonde who's determined to find his brother.

Bruce carefully placed the 'certainly Loki' onto the little metal tray. He let the excited God push the creature through the scanner. You stood next to them, shaking your head. You were certain it wasn't the mischievous god.

"I'm sorry, Thor." He shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose, sighing as the screen turned red.

"Impossible," He muttered, running his hand across the screen. "Only Loki would bite in such a manner!"

"Here, you can put him away, okay?" You took the snake and placed it in Thor's hands. He nodded sadly and walked off. You leaned into Bruce's ear as he watched him with interest. "We can't keep doing this to him."

"Come on, Y/n, he's been through a lot," He turned away when Thor moved, even if it was in the opposition direction.

"Giving him false hope isn't much better!"

"It's not like you can prove him wrong."

Oh but you could. In so many ways, too.

Well, technically you could prove him right. If only Loki was in a more.... available state.

You sighed, shaking your head. "I'm clocking out, I can't do this right now." Bruce nodded sadly and let you leave.

You rushed to room, determined. As you ran in, you grabbed the small bottle of 'space mint,' after making sure the door was locked. Not even bothering to change into pajamas, you flopped onto your bed.

You mumbled angrily as you took one of the mint leafs, crushing and smearing it on your third eye. You got into a starfish position and slammed your eyes shut. With a few deep breaths, your mind went blank.

You stood in the emptiness, tapping your foot impatiently. You flicked your wrist, looking at your non-existent watch. Where was he?

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Loki quite literally poofed in, falling flat on his face.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora