Partners in Crime

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A/n: I need yall to bully me into finishing this one story I really wanna show you guys but I'm too lazy to... thanks!

And here, enjoy!

The men laughed obnoxiously loud as they played their sick game of cards. They cheat each other out of money, shamelessly harass others and think that their physique earns them anyone they desire. You've noticed how the ratings and main atmosphere of the local bar went down ever since these geezers took over the place. Luckily, you happened to be in town. 

You slammed your shot down with a bored sigh. It had become increasingly easier to mess with these lads, to the point it no longer was fun. But you've had enough of such people ruining others evenings. Time to get to work. 

"Hey fellas," You sauntered over, adding a swing in your hip to really draw their attention. Their heads immediately whipped around and watched every step you took. "Mind if I join?" 

"Do you even know how to play, little lady?" One of the chuckled, causing a wave of laughter through the small group. You almost gagged. "Forget it, come here, pretty angel." 

"Thank you," You swallowed back a growl, tucking your cocktail dress beneath you as you took a seat, keeping as much distance as possible while not being suspicious. 

They handed you a few cards and you played their game. They insisted a 'young lady like you' should have a few rounds, no charge. You lost 2 out of 3 times, showing you were a vulnerable player yet your ego could not let them think you were that weak. Because you weren't. 

After they painfully mansplained the game, they started adding money. You carefully watched each and every one of them for their telling ticks, losing every game up till the 1,000 dollar mark. 

Then you really played. You let them see you weren't some 'little lady' nor a 'naïve young thang,' but a very capable and now, a very rich woman. Just like you intended, they were getting mad. 

Furious that you had not only won all your money back, but all of their money as well, they flipped out. Literally. The table was thrown and that was your cue to start heading out 

"Security!" You called out, backing up to the door. You didn't have to say anymore, the bouncers cut in between you and the toddlers, kicking them out - permanently. With a private bow of pride, you left. 

It was always fun to get people kicked out and watch them rage. It was even better when they were arrogant men! The real cherry on top was the money you made, it could vary from 2 - 20 thousand. Truly saved you from having a real job. 

"HEY!" An angered shout caught your attention, causing you to turn around. You quickly learned to regret it when your eyes locked onto the group of men you just cheated out of their money. You didn't even want to hear what else they had to say. 

Kicking off your heels, you booked it down the street, cold concrete and the occasional rock pressing against your bare feet. You could hear the men screaming after you. You had to leave. Now. 

Your eyes landed on a black convertible, a rather lean dude unlocking it. Without a second thought, you hopped into the passenger's seat and yanked the guy in. He was beyond shocked. 

"DRIVE!" You screamed, watching the other guys rev up their motorcycles. 

"What?!" He barked back while fumbling for his keys. 

"JUST GO!" Thankfully, he did. His heel slammed onto the gas pedal and he swerved out of his parking space. You flashed him a small smile and looked back. They were still tailing you. 

"Care to expl-" You cut him off by pulling on the steering wheel. 

"LEFT! TURN LEFT!" He screamed as you turned left for him. "Actually-" You stood up with your hand still on the steering wheel. He scrambled backwards, tumbling into the backseat as you took over. 

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now