A date proposal

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A/n: felt cute, might make a part two idk

Enjoy, my loves <3

There wasn't much happening today, yet another slow day. You'd think being a superhero would entail constant action and adventure, but what people didn't know is that it's up to the villain to decide when you get to blast their ass off, not you. With nothing better to do, you strolled throughout the Tower, looking for Loki.

You wanted to spar with him, finding he was a suitable equal. Or that's what you told everyone. Truth be told, he was a hell of a lot stronger than you but he was a really fun sparring partner. You knew when he was about to knock you to the ground, you would go down with a laugh because his commentary was spot on.

Oh and the fact you had a major crush on him.

"Hey Nat!" You called over the deadly red-head as you entered the dojo. It was a refreshing sight to find your second favorite teammate. She smiled over her shoulder, giving you a small wave. "Have you seen Loki anywhere?"

"Have you tried the library?" She suggested and turned back to the wall beside the door. You sighed and nodded.

"Twice, actually! Where could he- what are you even doing?" You finally asked Natasha, who was trying to dislodge a knife buried deep in the wall. You walked over and watched her pull on it uselessly, the muscles in her back tensing. She had amazing muscles and her black tank top showed them off.

"I have no clue how this- erk!- got here!" She huffed, having way too much trouble with the dagger. If Nat couldn't remove it, it wasn't going to budge. "Give me a hand?"

"I don't think I'll be much help.." You shrugged but still offered your assistance. Gripping the handle firmly, you both pulled with all your might on the count of three.


"Maybe the big guy can remove it later?" She wondered aloud, stepping back and wiping at her forehead. Rolling her shoulders back, she sighed.

Not wanting to give up so easily, you gave it one more tug, without Natasha's help. You stumbled backwards, dagger in hand and an empty whole in the wall.

Nat's mouth hung open as she stared at you. The dagger was removed and in your hand. You mouthed a silent 'what the-' as you examined the blade. It was sharp, obviously, and a tad dusty since bits of the inner wall stuck to it.

"Y/n," A silky voice startled you, making you jump from your thoughts. Natasha winked as she walked away, leaving you and Loki alone. "What are you doing with my dagger?"

"Oh, i- it- um sorry," You handed it to him, failing to get your thoughts in order. He stalked forward, placing a hand on your lower back and took yours that held his dagger. You swallowed back your shiver as he plucked it from your grasp.

"How did you remove it?" The God asked, spinning the blade between his fingers before stepping back to face you, remaining unreadable. "Only people who are worthy of my love can remove it, my dear."

"I'm not sure, Nat and I just- " a light bulb flashed above your head as the words clicked in. Finally processing what he had said, you blinked up at him. A small smile flicked across his features before disappearing.

This was planned....This was planned!

"I'm so stupid..." You whispered as his arms snaked around your figure.

"The word you're looking for is 'Naive', dear." His breath hot against your skin as he whispered in your ear. "It's quite cute" Loki pressed a brief kiss to your temple.

"This a date proposal?" You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. He hummed in pleasure.

"I love that sound," He smiled "But yes, I accept."


"Does nine tonight work for you?" He lifted your hand to his mouth, giving it a kiss while keeping eye contact. You were so lost in his eyes, you weren't even aware you hadn't answered.

"If you don't mind, I will be taking your adorable silence as a yes." He purred. Turning on his heel, he strode off, leaving you dazed.

You heard snickering from behind and whipped around to find Thor and Natasha high-fiving. You would've said something but you couldn't think.

"I have a date with Loki...."

"Hell yeah you do! Now let's get you dressed up!" She laughed as Thor started gushing over types of Asgardian outfits he could set you up with, smiling like no tomorrow. You would've been excited about it all, too but how were you supposed to get past Tony?

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