Blue Satin Dress

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A/n: *spits out tea* 600 views?! I- thank you! Ahh now I have to find something special to write! <3

Loki's PoV:

I stood in the shadows as the party around me buzzed. Thor had pulled me along to Starks party, for what reasons, I'm not sure. And I could care less. I just wanted to leave.

The music raged and I closed my eyes, silently wishing death upon everyone in the ballroom. Women giggling and their heels clicking against the floor, men trying to flirt and whatever the hell that aggravating whirring noise was filled the room. A headache already started forming, wonderful.

"Hey handsome~" Some woman dressed in a cheaply made dress approached, obviously not aware of who I was. With one glare, she pedaled backwards and grabbed someone else.

"Thor, I'm leaving" I whispered to my brother. He was chatting with someone else, probably not hearing me. I spun on my heel and started for the door, purposely pushing others a tad too roughly. I shouldered past a disgusting couple making out and growled.

These people have zero dignity.

My path to the exit was blocked by none other than Captain Rogers.

"Hey, Loki. Where are you going?" He had to shout to be heard. I winced in annoyance, somehow convincing myself not to strangle the life out of him.

"Out." I spat and pushed past him.

And that's when I spotted her.

She wore a brilliant blue dress that flowed with her every move. The fabric snugged her natural curves before spreading into a skirt. As she pushed back a lock of her h/c hair behind her ear, the world turned black and white.

Except for her.

She stood alone and it was as if a spotlight illuminated her every step. It wasn't a harsh light, but a soft blue one. Fiddling with her golden bracelets, she looked around. Was she waiting for someone?

Rogers said something but I shouldered past others, keeping my gaze on her. Another man must've had the same idea as he was looking her up and down. Scowling, I quicken my pace, not wanting anyone else to near her.

"Excuse me, but what is someone as lovely as you doing alone?" I asked, striding over to the beautiful woman. She looked up at me and I swallowed, getting lost in her e/c eyes.

"Is that a dance proposal?" She smirked.

"Only if you accept" I wink back, holding a hand out for her to take.

"I'd be honored" She placed her soft hand into mine. I could've melted at the touch. A slower song started and I placed a hand on the small of her back, taking her hand in my other. She placed a hand on my shoulder and began to sway with me.

We fell in step so flawlessly, it was like we've done this many times before. A small sense of Déjà vu swirled between us and her eyes light up just a bit more. The world becoming static around us.

"You're a wonderful dancer" She smiled, holding my gaze.

"I'm no mirror, darling" A laugh fell from her sweet lips, the sound alone could make angels weep. "Well, this isnt fair"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"You know my name but I haven't had the pleasure of knowing yours" The heavenly laugh left her mouth once again.

"What makes you think I know you're name?" She smirks as I lightly spin her round. I cock an eyebrow as she turns to face me once again. "You look like mmm.. a Jonathan?"

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