Frog obsession

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A/n: :0 500 reads?! Woah thank you! *hugs* (っ´▽`)っ please feel free to message me requests or whatever! I don't know what to do for the 500 celebration!

"Hey Loki, I have something I really wanna show you!" You peep, crouching at the end of the couch. He looks up from his book and raises a brow. You scuffle closer to him and urge him to hold out his hand. When he does, you place Fernando in his palm.

"A frog?" You nod, happily.

"His name is Fernando" You smile as he examines the creature. The desert rain frog blinks up at him.

"How did you come up with that?"

"I didn't, he told me" You whisper the last part, focus back on your new froggie. Loki nods in understanding and places his book down to hold the amphibian properly.

"They are quite cute, how many does this mean you have now?" He inquiries, gladly letting you gush over your frog obsession.

"Five!" You smile brightly, taking Fernando back and giving him a little smooch. "Tony bought him for me as an early birthday gift"

"Have you shown the Spider-child Peter Jr. yet?"  You shake your head sadly.

"He's busy with school and superhero stuff"

"Well, I'm quite honored to meet your newest friend" Loki's smile is sincere as you stand, holding Fernando close to your chest.

"Wanna watch me feed them?" You ask, practically vibrating from excitement.

Loki was the only one who seemed to tolerate your frog obsession. Wanda and Peter were also really interested but they were constantly occupied. The rest of the Avengers let you talk but never listened as well as Loki did.

You hopped along as he followed behind. You rambled about how wonderful it was to own a desert rain frog due to their decrease in population.

"-but I'd never let anything happen to Fernando" You leaned in, whispering to your frog. "Never"

You and Loki stood in front of the terrarium/ mini rainforest Stark set up for you. You opened the little trap door and tenderly nudged Fernando inside.

Once he was in, along with the rest, you locked the trap door. You pulled out the food drawer and took the crate of crickets out.

"You wanna feed them?" You offered the box of bugs to Loki who cringed and shook his head. You let out a huff and poured the insects in yourself.

Loki leaned in and watched your companions eat the crickets with interest. You looked up at him and smiled, remembering the first time you told him about frogs.


"She likes frogs?" The God looked at the two in disbelief.

"Yes, and if you make fun of her for it, crickets won't be the only thing the amphibians will eat" Natasha, Y/n's older sister, threatened. Her gaze on him as she drinks her coffee.

"But...why frogs? Why not a cat or something?"

"Calm down, Antlers. She likes frogs" Tony shrugged, sipping at his coffee "at least they're actually living things unlike your cube"

"Don't bring my Tesseract into this" He sneered. Tony shrugged again and walked off. His presence was replaced by Y/n's as she strolled into the kitchen, her nose shoved into a book.

Her hair was pulled back into a lazy bun, held by a pencil as a few locks of hair framed her face. Her glasses slid down her nose as she read, her eyebrows knit together in concentration. Loki was caught off guard by how cute she looked.

"Head up, Y/n." Natasha interjected before her sister ran into a counter. The girl laughed and apologized, heading straight for the pot of coffee. Nat made an "I'm watching you" gesture before leaving the room.

"Hi, you're Loki right?" Y/n smiled. He slowly nodded, studying her carefully. If Tony hadn't told him, Loki would be oblivious of her dorkiness. "You must have really interesting stories to tell, coming from a whole other realm"

"I suppose you could say that" The tall man shrugged. A small silence fell between the two. "What book are you reading?" He asked carefully.

"Oh! It's one of my favorite amphibian encyclopedias." Y/n flipped the pages, landing on one with a picture of a poison dart frog. She held it up so that Loki could see. "It includes every frog I've ever wanted. I-" She bites down on her lip and ducks her head. "Sorry, you probably don't want to hear me ramble"

Y/n moves to leave but the God's cold hand wraps around her wrist.

"I'd love to hear more"

~Flashback end~

Your gaze shifts back to your terrarium and watch the frogs feast. Loki steals glances at you, enjoying the way your eyes light up as you appreciate your frog friends.

Ever since that day, the God had caught a serious case of the feelings. The romantic kind. He couldn't help but melt a little each time you smiled. The way you did a little dance when you had a breakthrough in your studies. Everything about you captivated him and he couldn't understand why.

"If you're done staring, let's go eat some leftover pizza" You spun past him and chasséd away. He shook his head, chuckling, as you danced your way into the kitchen.

"Come on, Loki! Dance with me!" You laughed. He rolled his eyes before doing a flawless pirouette, leaving you gaping. "You never told me you could dance!"

"You never asked" He smirked, landing in the third position before he continued his confident stride.

"When did you learn to dance?"

"I am the Prince of Asgard, dear. It was required"

"Does that mean Thor can do ballet, too?" You snickered to yourself imagining the big, strong God of Thunder in a tutu as he dances across the stage. Loki didn't seem to find it as humorous, instead he let an irritated sigh escape his lips.

"Of course, you'd rather see him" He grumbled loud enough for you to hear.

"What do you mean by that?" You frown.

"Everyone would rather see Thor in the spotlight, leaving me in the shadows, as usual"

"Woah woah woah, hold your high horses, Mister. I asked because the image of that buff giant leaping across the stage is funny, not because I think he would be better than you" You placed a hand on his chest, keeping your voice stern so he understood you were being honest.

He sighs and brings your hand up for a kiss. He mumbles a soft apology against the top of your hand.

"Don't apologize, but don't let those thoughts consume you!" You lightly scold, returning to the quest to the kitchen. Loki tugs you back, your chest now pressed against his. He leans in slightly, searching your eyes. A sudden heat spreads across your face as he looks down at your plump lips before leaning in almost fully.

"May I?" With his mouth centimeters away from yours, you nod. His soft lips collide with yours for a slow and passionate kiss. A gunshot startles you both as the bullet whizzes past Loki's head.

"You have until the count of one hundred" Natasha held her gun up, aiming straight for Loki's heart. He looks just as confused as you feel.

Thats an awful lot of time



"Tasha!" You yelled but she continued counting.


"I really don't see why I should even run if I have until a hundred?"

"-skip a few, ninety-nine, one hundred" She cocks her gun, whispering "Run"

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