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A/n: AHH Kat_McIntosh  Thank you for your request, I hope this was something you had in mind! If you want another story, feel free to ask me (that goes for everyone!)

Okie bye, I hope you enjoy the story!

Katima Harper was Asgard's most loved librarian. She was the kindest and sweetest person anyone could meet. Her presence alone was comforting and the library felt empty without her.

She was wonderful at keeping everything in line. It was rare to find the palace of books in disarray and when it did, it was most certainly when Katima was away.

Luckily, she was at her desk on one calm Asgardian day. Her beautiful and soft dark hands flipped through a book she's read a million times before. As expected on such a nice day, there was no soul huddled away in a corner, getting lost in another world of words.

The librarian's attention on was deterred from the worn pages as a blurry figure ran past. She leaned over her desk in search of the mysterious being. With no other sign of disturbance, Katima sat back down in her chair, convinced it was just her imagination.  Right as she was about to get lost inside the pages, she heard someone struggling from the back of the library, soon followed by a crash. She rushed over to the noise with worry, hoping no one was hurt.

She reached the back shelving filled with books and Katima turned the corner. A small smile fell upon her lips as she saw the youngest prince in the middle of a pile of books. As he sat up, clutching his head, his green eyes grew wide as the little boy realized he wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry, Lady Katima! I was just trying to get this one book and..." He trailed off as he looked around for the book. His hands darted into the mess of paper and leather, shuffling the fallen books this way and that. He groaned when he couldn't find it, letting his head drop.

"It's alright, prince Loki," The librarian chuckled softly, kneeling infront of him. "What book were you looking for?" She kept her voice gentle as she offered her hand to help the prince.

He took it, his pale complexion a complete contrast against her dark skin. She tenderly pulled him to his feet and helped him out of the mess.

"It's a Midgardian play, I believe," Loki was fixated on finding his new book, completely forgetting the mess behind him. "Mother said it was called... uh Hamlet?" He mumbled mostly to himself as he craned his neck to look at the highest shelf.

"Hamlet by Shakespeare?" She asked the little prince. He nodded absent-mindedly. "How about we make a deal?"

That caught Loki's attention.

"You help me clean up and I'll grab the book for you," She offered, smiling. He spun around and gasped, he made a mess!

"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!" He plopped down and started filling his arms with the fallen books. Katima shook her head slightly and joined him.

Wobbling, Loki stood up, his vision was blocked by the leather bound books. He had to peek his head over them to get a sense of direction before placing them back onto the shelves with a small thud. Together, they finished placing each book in their proper place within a matter of minutes.

"Thank you, prince Loki," Katima patted his head gently as he smiled back up at her. "Now, let's find you that book, hm?"

"Wait, I would like to try something first." She nodded and gave the young prince some space as he squeezed his eyes shut. In his palm, he created a small green sphere of mist. He popped on eye open and smirked upon seeing his magic.

"You know magic?" Katima whispered in awe.

"Don't tell my father," He looked at her with a slight pleading in his eyes. She winked, tapping her nose and Loki did the same.

He turned his attention to the shelf, determined. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and kept twitching his fingers. She watched the prince take on a steadying stance. His green magic flowed from his hand as he manipulated it to crawl up the old wooden ledges.

The mist reached the top and disappeared into the shelf. Loki clenched his jaw as he felt around for the book with his powers. Soon enough, Hamlet fell from it's place with a loud thud.

"That was amazing, my prince!" Katima congratulated him, staring in wonder.

"Thank you, I've been practicing!" The boy smiled proudly, picking the book from the floor.

"Well you better get to reading, it's an hour before dinner." He nodded, holding the book close to his chest. Katima turned to leave, prepared to go back to her desk.

"You can just call me Loki, by the way." The prince whispered.

"Thank you, Loki." She tipped her head down before they went their separate ways.

As time went on, Loki made sure to greet his new favorite adult each time he entered the library instead of running from the interaction. It didn't matter if Thor or some special guests were accompanying him, he always stopped by to said hello.

Katima enjoyed every greeting, no matter how short it was. She watched him grow from a tiny boy whose head could barely peek over the counter to a respectful and charming young man.

But many things changed upon Thor's coronation. Loki began visiting at strange hours on an unpredictable schedule before disappearing completely. The sweet librarian had gotten so used to the prince's presence that when he left for good, the library never feel the same since.

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