A different kind of love

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Me: hey, I really want to finish these two stories I think the readers would really like!
My brain: what's that got to do with me?

I really wanted to keep it a secret but I live off of excitement and mine has drained so I wanna make a Vampire Loki au or something like that but I have to finish the Siren first bc... I just have to so...

Whenever that happens, then the vampire!loki will happen. Hopefully.

Anyways, while I'm finishing that, here's a drabble that I made a while ago. Enjoy <3

You weren't going to lie, loving Loki was a lot different than what you - or anyone would have expected. Yes, he could be distant. He could be cold and harsh, very dominant and way too protective. He was a complex person with anger issues every step of the way but somehow, he let you take those steps. 

The first few weeks of being with Loki was difficult to say the least but something in you said you couldn't leave him. Even if that seemed like a very clear red flag. But you were right to stay, and he showed his gratitude in a way you never knew you needed. 

It was Saturday when his tender side showed up. Saturday also meant it was girls night. 

You, Nat and Wanda took over the common room and made a show of your dominance by spreading out blankets, snacks and whatever theme Wanda set. It was 'Salon' that night. 

Your hair was done and fresh, your nails painted and faces cleansed. At this point, the three of you were just talking and sharing many loud laughs. Wanda was gossiping about Vision's secretive behavior when Loki walked in. 

He looked like he had just woken up, in his baggy pjs and a cup of tea in his hands. He blearily looked around and spotted you. Gently, you waved at him. His eyes gazed over your robe covered form, all fresh and clean like you did go to a professional salon. 

He walked over, put his cup on the coffee table and just... laid on you. 

Natasha yelled at him to leave and claimed that they were 'right here!' But he didn't do anything except lay on you. That's it. Besides a soft kiss on your neck, he didn't move. 

You shrugged at the girls. You had never seen him do this before, no one has. 

The next day, when you ran into him in the kitchen, you awkwardly brought it up. He didn't say much, only shrugging as he stirred his tea. What he did say was possibly the best thing you've ever and would ever need to hear. 

"Your heart comforts me," He sighed softly with a gentle, pure smile and left. Leaving you alone with those words wrapping you up into a warm hug. 'Your heart comforts me?' Where did that- Your heart... made him feel... comfortable? 

You'd do anything for him. You'd kill, you'd die for him but that made you feel so loved. Now, you wanted to live for him. 

After that, you learned Loki was soft. Not only literally, but emotionally. He was so soft. It was clear his anger kept that soft side of him hidden because he didn't want anyone to hurt him again. His anger protected him. And you got that storm to calm, showing you the real Loki. 

And he was so very soft. 

He enjoyed gentle caresses, quiet walks in the park and when he learned that buying teddy bears was an act Midgardians used to show love, he bought you a stuffed green snake. His excitement was the only reason you were excited. 

Loki pulled you into your room to showcase the new plush companion he got for you. He explained that the snake was Loki Jr. and would keep you company when he couldn't. The snake was even decorated with a gold ribbon bow. It was adorable. He was adorable. 

Every single time Loki had to leave somewhere without you, whether it was a trip to the store or going to Asgard, he would make sure you had Loki Jr. with you before he left. In private, of course. Loki didn't want anyone to think he, of all people, would be such a considerate person!

Only you were allowed to know that side of him. 

"You promise you'll be alright?" Loki tenderly held your hands, more worried about you, who would be in the compound, doing basic missions for three weeks, while he went back to Asgard to fight something ten times as dangerous. 

"Yes, Loki." You laughed with a shake of your head. He brought your hands up to give your knuckles tender kisses before holding them close to his chest. 

"Please, please, please be safe, okay?" Loki sighed heavily and pulled you into a hug. "I need you to..." 

"You need me to what?" You rocked back and forth with him and snuggled into his arms. 

"I just need you." You giggled. 

"I need you, too. And that means you come home safe." You peeled back to glare into his emerald eyes. "That means if you die, I will revive you only to kill you myself." 

Loki chuckled in return. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He leaned in to press a kiss to your lovely lips. And then Tony came in. 

"Rudolph!" Loki's head dropped to grumble into your shoulder when Tony burst in. "Pack your bags, it's time to go!" He rolled his eyes. 

Your lover was pulled away by a terribly enthusiastic Stark. He looked back at you with a frown of remorse. It quickly became a grin when you wiggled Loki Jr's snake head at him. 

You blew a kiss and he pretended to bite it - since his hands were busy being tugged away - and basically ate it with a wink. You laughed and watched as he disappeared behind a corner.

When Tony pulled him out of earshot, he sneered. 

"Listen, hoodlum!" Loki hissed, tearing away from his hold and yanking him up by his collar. "If I find a single hair on her head out of place, I will make a mug out of your skull!" He shouted in the brunette's face. 

Tony swallowed audibly, nodding hastily.

Loki threw him to the side and stomped off to meet Thor outside. Gods, he was going to miss you but knowing you were safe made him feel better about this trip. Now, all he needed to do was keep his promise and stay alive so he could make sure you kept your promise.

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