Thanksgiving on Asgard

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Jane had invited You and Loki, along with your daughter, Hel to join her and Thor for Thanksgiving. You could only imagine how much effort it took, not to only explain the concept, but get Thor to participate in the holiday. So you gladly went.

"Y/n!" Jane smiled and hugged you tight when you arrived to Asgard. "How have you been?"

"As well as I can" You laughed, returning the embrace "It can be quite a challenge to handle those two" You gestured to your husband and daughter, both too busy playfully fighting to notice.

She laughed at the sight. Two huge, muscular arms wrapped around you from behind and lifted you off the ground. Almost crushing your windpipe in the process.

"Y/n! Oh, how wonderful it is to see you again!" Thor's laugh boomed from behind you.

"Good.. to see you..too" You smiled weakly as you struggled for air.

"Brother, please put my wife down before you kill her" Loki interjected. He let you fall to the ground as Thor crushed his brother instead.

"LOKI!" He cheered as your husband wheezed from his hug. The three of you laughed at them, glad that they could finally- uh mostly get along.

Hel ran over to her aunt Jane and gave her a big embrace as well before tackling her uncle. Thor shouted as she clinged to his back, giggling as he tried to grab her.

Loki stumbled over to you, checking his rib cage for any injuries.

"Come! Let us enjoy the Feast of Thanks!" Thor ran down the Bifrost with Hel on his back, cheering.

"DON'T DROP MY DAUGHTER!" Loki cried, chasing after them. You and Jane walked side by side, chatting about how things were going.


"Ah, it's good to be back" Loki sighed as you all walked the halls of the palace.

"Its good to have you back, brother!" Thor patted his shoulder, smiling. The rest of the walk to the dining room was filled with idle chitchat and Hel picking a fight with the two Asgardians.

When you reached the feasting hall, you and Loki sat next to each other, having secret thumb wars under the table as you waited for the food to arrive.

Hel had run off somewhere with her favored maid. Loki didn't mind, knowing Thor would never let any child, especially not his, get harmed.

"So Thor," Your husband wiggled his eyebrows at your brother-in-law "is it true?"

Thor coughed and looked away, blushing. You looked between the two, completely lost.

"What are your talking about?"

"Thor finally knocked up his wife" Loki smirked, still glaring at him. Thor hid his face in a cup of water.

"No way! Congratulations Thor!" You ran over and gave him a hug. He sighed in relief, returning the gesture.

"Dear, we're supposed to make fun of him" Loki sighed as you held Thor.

"Why? We're the ones who did it first" You stuck your tongue out at the now blushing god.

"My bad, some servants requested some help" Jane had returned, smiling sheepishly. You and Loki smiled knowingly at her as Thor buried his face in his hands. She took a moment before sighing.

"You told them without me?"

"I didn't even say anything, Loki figured it out" He whined. Jane's hand flew to her stomach and you caught on to what she was thinking.

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