You're the Savior here

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Trigger Warning: blood, gore, choking, sad, that stuff..

This is on the Statesman, picking up from where Thanos insulted Loki's tour guiding abilities

"I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard…" Loki turns to meet his brothers eye "Odinson… The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity"

You let out a muffled shout against Thanos' goon who was holding you back. You looked to Thor helplessly to find him starring at something behind Loki's back. In a flash of silver and blue, Loki was caught, holding his dagger to the tyrants throat. The tip of the knife almost piercing his disgustingly purple skin.

"Undying?" You should choose your words more carefully"

Thanos twists the dagger out of the Asgardian's hand and wraps the infinity gauntlet around his throat. Using the golden glove, Thanos lifts Loki up to eye level as he struggles against his hold. You let out another scream as his hand tightens around his neck. Loki's strained gaze meets Thor's and then turns to you.

Thor shouts and struggles against his restraints as you stop. You felt your magic thrumming under your skin, itching to be used. You bit hard on the goons arm causing him to shout and stumble back. You let out the loudest, ear-splitting scream you could muster.

Thanos dropped Loki, leaving the God gasping and choking as the oversized grape turned to you.

"It feel as if you want to take that pathetic man's place, am I right?" His thundering footsteps make his way towards you as your vision clouded with rage. Your magic coursing through you faster than your adrenaline.

"Hm, how sad, your connection will be the death of you both"

This time, it was Loki's turn to shout but before he could move, he was placed in the same restraints Thor was in. Both of them failing to get to you.

But you didn't need them.

You felt the cold, golden metal close around your neck as he brought you close to his face.

"You're no god" Thanos' grip tightened "but it's fun to watch them cry, isn't it?" The smile that fell upon his crusty lips made your stomach churn, so did his breath. Thanos made sure you were in view of the two Asgardians as he made a show of ending you. Loki's muffled shouts became sobs.

As Thanos bathed in their pain, you grabbed the top of his wrist and squeezed. That power, your power, the one that was shrieking to be released was finally set free. Like a giant blade, your magic shot out and you dragged your hand down his wrist, butchering his limb off.

Thanos didn't even realize anything until there was a deafening crack coming from his arm. All three of their eyes shot open as you and Thanos' disembodied hand fall to the ground. You were drenched in his blood, but it meant nothing until he was gone.

Slowly, the rip-off flying purple people eater lifted his arm to find it hand-less. He let out an agonized cry as he tried to stop the blood flow. Using this to you advantage, you tore the reality stone out of the gauntlet.

You let out a cry as the power of the stone hit you but pushed past it with pure determination. The metal that once held the Gods lifted into a silvery mist. Doing as you willed, every possible weapon turns into the same ash that half the population would've turned into.

Thanos' cries turned into one of rage as he charged towards your weakening figure. The Asgardian Brothers reached your side before Thanos did.

Thor tried to take the reality stone away from you, warning you if you continued, you'd perish. You instead stole Loki's dagger and using your will one last time, your magic starting to give out, you made the knife into a giant sword.

And swung it straight at Thanos' head.

You couldn't see what happened next, the pain becoming blinding. You let the red stone drop as the ringing in your ears became a blaring siren. One last ear-splitting scream left your lips before you were overcome with an intense coughing fit. The only thing you could see was your blood covered hand as you took it away from your mouth.

"You clever, idiotic Midgardian! Don't give up on us now!" Loki's panicked voice filtered in and out before you truly passed out.


"I ××ll ca×× bel××ve it,T×an× ×× ×one!"

"Wha× ×× ××× was insane, ×× ins××e i× ×××ked"

Muffled. Muffled voices flowed in and out of clarity. The only constant noise was beeping and someones light breathing.

Lead. Thats what every single part of you felt like. A whole entire mountain must've rested on your chest as you suddenly became aware of how much it hurt to breathe.

"(Y/n)...?" A soft, familiar presence broke through in the clearest voice you've heard in a while. You let out a low, pained groan as you started coming back into consciousness.

"Hey, shh shh, take it easy, dove" the presence said again, their cold hand resting atop yours. It took all your concentration to open your eyes, view landing on the figure above you.

For a second, you could've sworn you were dead. The presence above was blurred but so very comforting with a bright light glowing behind them. As your eyes readjusted, Loki's sweet, tired face came into view.

You weren't half wrong, you did still see God. Just the mischievous one. Not that you were complaining.

"Good morning, my dear" His gorgeous green eyes crinkled at the corners.

"Lo-" you were forced to stop talking before you could start, your throat still so incredibly sore. The raven-haired god brought his hand up, carefully caressing you face.

"Save your energy, dove, you've done quite a lot" He lightly tapped your neck brace and smiled a bit more "I don't think talking is the greatest idea right now"

'Yeah, no shit Sherlock'

"Its barely been 5 minutes and you're still as sassy as ever" Loki quietly laughed. Right, he could read minds. That made everything a lot easier.

'How long have I been out?'

"Mmm, maybe a week, surprisingly fast for how much damage you took"

You would've widened your eyelids if they weren't so heavy. Loki tenderly ran his hand over your eyes.

"It's alright, rest. I'll be here when you wake"



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