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"Loki loki loki loki" you pester the God as he tries to fall asleep. "Loki Loki Literature club! Pay attention to me!" You whisper.

Loki huffs and throws the covers off of himself as he turns to face you, extremely annoyed.

"What is it?!" He whispers back.

"I'm hungryyyyy"

"Then get some food!"

"Wooooooow, I've never thought of that, thank you oh wise one! I thought I would have to eat air for the rest of my life" You roll your eyes, sliding into your slippers.

"You're a big girl, you can go to the vending machine by yourself" he rolls back over.

"If I'm asking for a death wish, sure" You tug the hotel sheets off of him "Come on, I don't wanna experience some Shining shit alone!" You drag the drosy God out of bed.

"What makes you think I wanna experience it?" He finally gets up, putting on some slippers of his own. You grab the hotel key off the counter and tug him along.


"I really don't see why I have to come with you" Loki whines as you both wait for the elevator.

"I don't want to die, okay?" You whispered, hitting the elevator button repeatedly.

"What's going to kill you?"

"Old men, regular men, little girls, clowns, rabid dogs, demons, my clumsiness, anything really!" You list. Loki sighs and watches you slam the button harder. You mutter incoherently as you get more aggravated with the metal box.

The elevator finally dings open and you both shuffle in. Looking close to passing out, Loki rests against the metal wall. You were just excited to finally get some food.

"Wait, did you even brin-" Loki was about to ask you something but was cut off by the elevator jolting to a stop. You both look at each other then at the door, nervous about what was happening.

A good minute passed and the door never opened. Loki kneeled down, trying to figure out the buttons as your claustrophobia started setting in.


"Do you understand any of this nonsense?"


"Why doesn't this thing have an emergency button?"

The elevator shook again and as a new surge of panic rippled through you, the lights flickered off.

"Loki!" You shrieked, clinging to his pajamas. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you close.

"We're going to be fine, it's probably just a power out"

He broke the hug, sighing. He started punching at the ceiling, looking for a loose tile of some sort.

Finally, he found the latch and opened the trap door. As he pulled himself up, you felt more scared being in the metal box alone. You jumped when Loki's arm reappeared.

"Come (y/n), I promise you'll be safe" He reassures as you grab his arm. With his help, you stood on top of the elevator.

"Well, what now?"

"Not exactly sure.." Loki trailed off, looking around for something of use. You did the same, startled by every noise that was made.

As you continued your search for the exit, the elevator started creaking. You reached for Loki's hand and he held it tight. Your eyes met before the elevator started to plunge down.

Loki dropped down, bringing you with him as you both held on for dear life. You both were screaming as you were about to meet your demise.

"Hold on!" Was the only warning you got before Loki tackled you.

"Loki! What the...?" You looked around and you were back in your hotel room. Loki rolled off of you and groaned. You crawled over to him, concerned.

"Loki?" You poked his cheek as he panted. When he opened his eyes, you could see his exhaustion. He groaned again as he sat up, holding his head.

"Remind me to stab Stark for injecting this dammed magic defuser" he grumbled. It was obvious his little trick took a lot out of the already tired man.

"Well, thank you for saving me" You smiled. Loki leaned in and gave you a small kiss on your forehead.

He groggily stood up and you shot up to help him before he fell over. You lead him to his bed and sat next to him, massaging his palm.

"As I said before, I would've died without you" You jest.

"I was hoping it would stay as a silly concern" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. You chuckled before your stomach made a sound that a whale would.

You looked up at Loki and then back at your stomach. You let out a loud laugh, the God soon following. You wiped away a tear from laughing too hard and sighed.

"We are never going on an elevator again"

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now