Emergency Exit

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A/n: I've had a really rough day at school today and... we're just going to have some soft Loki times, kay? This was recommended by a few people (they commented it on the end part of Self Inflicted, I believe!) So I decided to finally make it :)

Summary (yeah, I'm doing these now :D): Your boyfriend and you created a small code that you could use when your anxiety starts to rise. During a party on Asgard, that code came in handy. (Very fluffy)

Warnings: social/overall anxiety, that's it :D

Enjoy <3

Loki had invited you to tonight's feast, gently urging you to agree. Knowing you've dragged him go to a bunch of other random things he didnt want to do, you reluctantly let him bring you along. He was certainly excited about it and immediately left you in the hands of the handmaidens. They, too, were over the moon to get you dressed up like a royal princess.

Despite your shaking hands and nervous stomach, you would never forget how stunned your prince was when you left the changing rooms. He was two scandalous touches away from making you both late.

You were latched onto his side most of the night, wrapping your arm tight around his. Your head rested on his shoulder and your senses were kept calm by his refreshing, lovely scent. Best thing of all, Loki handled anyone and everyone who even thought of pestering you.

But, he couldn't exactly escape the court members from dragging him away from you. You knew it was anything but personal, you just hated being left alone in a giant room of literal other worldly beings. There wasn't much difference in appearances but it was very difficult to relate to people who have a taste for whatever a *blörken tongue was.

This was the eighth time Loki had to be pulled away. You were left alone, again, on the balcony where the fresh night air was substituting Loki's grounding presence. Your hands curled around the cold stone railing as you stared off, your mind anywhere but this rambunctious party.

"Hello there, m'lady." You froze. That was not Loki's voice nor a maid. And it certainly wasn't Thor. "Mind if I keep someone as lovely as you company?" Yes. Yes, I do mind very much.

"I don't see why not," You muttered and stepped aside. Maybe you were overthinking this and that's just how he complimented people. Hopefully.

The man leaned against the railing, swirling he deep purple drink. His eyes were a very dark amber, his skin was a beautiful chestnut and enviously clear. His hand grabbed yours before you could move back and brought it to his lips. He would've been staring directly in your eyes if you actually had the gull to face him.

"The name's Trent." He kissed your hand. You awkwardly let him, not entirely sure if this was actually happening. "Sir Trent of the Court."

You would've scoffed if you weren't so stressed out. He was using his title to impress you, like titles meant anything to you. For what it's worth, you're already with an impressive title: The Prince.

"How does someone as beautiful as you find herself all alone?" Swallowing back a scream, you forced a diplomatic smile.

"My company was pulled to the side for a moment," You explained softly, trying so hard not to let your voice break. "He should be back any moment." You cast an eye over to the mass of Asgardians, easily spotting Loki who was in that stance that read 'You're one bad pun away from being strangled' as he nodded along to some other persons babbling.

"I would assume your company would do just that, keep you company." Trent finally dropped your hand and placed it gently on the railing for you. Hastily, you slid both hands in front of you so he couldn't mess with them anymore. "Would m'lady like a drink?" You shook your head, a definite 'no.' "I'll be right back with some punch," He winked, his fingers trailing over your shoulder as he sauntered off.

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