The Siren - Part 1

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A/n: WE'RE LIKE 2K AWAY FROM 10K!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Please, Give me ideas for a 10k celebration!! Okay bye enjoy the story while I freak out

Also warning: mild language?

Director Fury had instructed you and some other trusted agents to find the Tesseract and bring it to S.H.I.E.L.D immediately. Obviously proud that you were Nick's first recruit for this top secret mission, you gladly accepted.

You thought the mission would be easier than expected because Thor, the God of Thunder, had brought it to Earth.

But somehow, he lost it at sea.

So there you found yourself, on a beautifully crafted ship, heading towards where Thor last saw the cube.

"Ahhh! Smell that, (y/n)?" You friend, Keith asked, joining you near the Captains Wheel. He asked you every single day for reasons unknown but it was nice to have someone to talk to.

"Salt and fish feces?" You joked, turning to face the blonde boy.

"Salty seas and fresh open air! Nothing like it! Though admittedly, it can make me feel queasy" Keith placed a hand on his stomach, smiling goofly. You gave him a sympathetic pat and switched places with him.

"Don't crash the boat!" You yelled, walking away to freshen up.

"I won't!" He yelled back, laughing.

You went below deck to your private washroom and took a relaxing shower. You didn't know how this wooden pirate ship had working showers but you were grateful Stark installed them.

The warm water felt nice against your sore muscles and dry skin. You washed you hair, deeply massaging the shampoo and conditioner in. Once you had finished washing all the soap and hair product out, you wrapped yourself in a soft grey towel and collapsed on your bed. Your hair slowly fell from its bun as you just breathed in the scent of the mattress.

Mmmh, lavender

You lazily got up to throw on some comfortable clothes and fwumped back into bed. You grabbed your favorite book and read a few pages before slipping into unconsciousness.


You awoke harshly due to the fact you were flung off your bed. The boat was swayed as you heard another crash above deck. Gathering yourself from the ground, you ran up to see the chaos.

"KEITH? WHAT'S HAPPENING" You yelled, hair whipping at your face as the rain poured down hard.

"I DON'T KNOW!" He yelled back, grabbing two crewmates before they flew off deck.

The ship swayed violently, tipping and turning, bringing you and the others with it. With another violent jerk to the left, you scrambled to grab the giant pillar in the center of the boat. You were holding onto the mast for dear life when a crate had crashed into your chest, sending you sprawling.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Keith's desperate cry before you slid off the boat.


The moment your body hit the water, you could've sworn you were about to pull a Captain America. Struggling for your life, you pushed with all your might and frantically swam to the surface.

Thankfully, you manged to get there just in time before you ran out of oxygen. Not even taking more than a minute to catch your breath, you started for the ship. You couldn't tell if the ocean had sent you that far or the ship was much faster than you remembered.

You cursed as you watched a wave grow and slam down on you, drowning you once more. You kept struggling but your adrenaline was faltering and your muscles were screaming.

Loki Oneshots (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now