Lesson Learned...?

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A/n: this story is in the first person so.. also its more of a platonic relationship but you can view it however. Okay enjoyy

"This is the 8TH TIME you two have gotten compromised!!!" Steve scolded Loki and I. We both stood straight, trying to keep our faces level as he continued lecturing us.

"Do you realize how much danger that puts not only you, but the whole team in? We have on job, protect the world-"

"Yes, yes, we're 'burdened with a glorious purpose' and whatnot" Loki puts in, biting his lip, trying not to laugh. I, on the other hand, didn't do so well; I let out a few giggles but somehow I managed to pull myself together. That didn't stop me from smiling.

"Do you to think this is funny?!" Stark yelled in our faces.

"Yes, actually" He responds, giggling. I elbow the raven-haired man in the side as we both struggle to keep ourselves balanced.

"You could've killed Wanda!!!" We both fell silent as Tony pointed across the room to the injured witch with a broken arm. She cast her gaze away as Clint stared us down. Natasha shook her head in disappointment.

"I expected this from Loki, but you? I thought you knew better, (Y/n)" Natasha scolded as she and Clint helped Wanda to the medbay. The entirety of what I had done finally set in.

"I- I'm so sorry" I stumbled over my words, still in shock, realizing I could've killed one of my best friends.

"Sorry's NOT going to cut it anymore, (y/n) ! Get your act together or get out!" Steve and Tony stormed out, leaving Loki and I, shocked in the main room. I turned to the Asgardian, trembling.

"We took it way too far" I wring my hands nervously. Loki drops his head with a sigh, his black locks covering his face.

"Maybe we shouldn't do missions together anymore," Loki mumbles "Its obviously hurting others"

"Yeah.." I half answer, lost in my head with worry. What if we had taken it too far? Would Wanda have actually died? How many times has this happened? We were used to getting scolded by Rogers, that was nothing new, but the threat of the others getting hurt? Not to mention almost dying?

"Hey, stop that" Loki's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, tipping my head to face him "Nothing extreme happened"

"But what if something did?"

"It didn't, and it won't" He reassures. "Now come, we should probably eat something"

We head to the kitchen in silence, everyone seemingly avoiding us. Loki quickly heats up some leftovers and we eat, an uncomfortable and heavy silence fills the compound. Once I'm done, I bid Loki goodbye and head to my room.

"I can't believe I did that!" I whisper to myself, furious and guilty about messing around on such a dangerous mission. 'I should've listened to Steve the first 7 times'. I drag my hands across my face.

Loki and I usually played around on missions since we both found them boring. Most usually, it was just pushing each other around and challenging each other to a race. Sometimes we make bets on who will hit the hydra agents first or which one of us can hit the agents from impossible angles. We never, well barely ever, got into actual trouble. There was once where we had to abort mission due to our tomfoolery.

This mission was the same! Or.. thats what I thought. It was just Loki and I, thats why we took so many risks. I had no idea Wanda was trailing us.

'Wanda will be your back up, she'll be watching your backs and distract guards if needed. It shouldn't be needed''

Captain's words rang in my head.

Oh. My. God! I did know! He told us! How did I forget?! Why did I forget!?

My guilt increases as I realize I was supposed to know. I lightly hit my head against the wall.

"Why. Why. Why-" I continue bonking my head, not even sure what else to do, knowing an apology won't cut it.

"Trying to give yourself a concussion now, are you?" I leap back from the wall as Loki walks in. I drop my head in shame. Loki just tsks. I glance at him, confused and annoyed.

"We almost killed a te-" He cuts me off by putting a finger to his lips. He strides over and hugs me which I awkwardly return. When we part, where outside of the conference room, hidden out of sight of the other Avengers.

"I feel kind of bad. Did you see (y/n)s face? She looked so worried" I hear Wanda's voice, hushed. I look at Loki, he gives me a smirk and points up to the window. Getting off my knees, I look over the table hiding us from view and peek in.

"She'll be fine, we needed to teach them a lesson anyways" Stark shrugs. He starts talking about something else but I don't pay attention. My eyes drift over to Wanda, concerned. Until I see her arm, completely unwrapped and fine, holding a cup of hot coffee.

I drop back down, absolutely shocked. Loki snickers.

"You're joking" Loki shakes his head.

"I'm afraid not" He chuckles once again.

"We have to get them back" I pound my fist into my hand, revenge buring behind my eyes. Loki's trademark smirk spreads across his features.

"Now you're speaking my language" He stands up, still out of view "come on, I have the perfect plan"

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