C h a p t e r F i f t y - N i n e

532 21 30

Photo: Alexandra, Anna, and the big pair 1917

Chapter dedicated to wotm8uevenno I love your comments they always make me smile!
January 1917
I sit at church next to Maria and Anastasia trying to confine our giggles as we find the smallest things funny. Mama sits down in a funny way and we burst out in laughter. Mama turns around finally having enough and kicks us out of the church so we stand up and are taken outside and have to wait until mass is over.

We haven't heard from Father Grigori in a long time so Mama was starting to get worried since Alexei has been feeling more ill. Anastasia kicks a rock around as Masha and I sit on a bench with Shura watching us. "I don't regret getting kicked out" Anastasia chuckles. "Why?" Maria asks her, "Because it was getting boring" she shrugs. I smile to myself as the time passes by. Once mass ends the big pair and I go to the infirmary and help in surgeries. The day goes by and we lost a total of two patients today, sad but the number is lower then usual which is a positive I guess.

I sit at a table and stare off into the distance thinking of a solider named Ivan. When I first met him he was always very cheery and kind, thankfully he was alright. The next time he came his leg was amputated but that did not stop his cheerfulness nor his passion to go back to the front and fight the Germans. The next time he came he died in surgery. I hold back tears as I think about it. He was a very good friend. He was only 26 years old, he had so much to live for. But now he is gone, forever. I snap out of my thoughts as I am handed two letters.

I get a letter from Igor and Evelina as per usual. Evelina gave birth to a healthy baby boy. After my last interaction with Misha I have been avoiding him. I did not tell Evelina anything because she needs the security that he provides for her. She comes back to the palace next week but over the time she has been gone she has sent me photos of her and the baby. She named him Nicholas after papa. The next letter is from Igor, he coming back to St. Petersburg soon. I smile at the thought of seeing him again. He is so kind, I can't wait to see him again.

I read the letter from Igor as my heart swells,
Dearest Vanya,
How is my favorite nurse? Are the others doing alright? Did you save a lot of lives? How are you since we have last seen one another? My health is getting better, I've been helping my sister often ever since her husband passed. Are you doing anything interesting? Have you gone to any charities? I have heard that Tatiana's committee has been very successful! I hold the photo of us next to me all the time for luck! Hope to see you soon Grand Duchess, your brother hugs you tightly,
~your Igor
He is always just so sweet, he has done so much for charity and his family since they are going through a rough time right now. I hold the letter close to my heart as I smile like a fool. I quickly snap out of it as I hear Anna conversing with soldiers. I put the letter into my pocket and start to do some knitting. I see that Tatiana is with Anna and the wounded soldiers they seem to be on a stroll. I pretend to keep busy, maybe this time I'll knit a pair of gloves.

"Vanya! What are you doing alone?" Tatiana asks me as she sits down next to me. A few soldiers sit with us. "I'm knitting" I answer shortly. "Are you going to the graves with me and the little pair later?" She asks me. Every week we visit the graves of our dear friends that have most their lives in the war. "Yes" I answer. "Good, the little pair will arrive here soon and then we will we able to go, Olga is staying because whispers said that Mitya is arriving" Tatiana whispers the last part into my ear. I cringe in disgust.

"When is the little pair arriving?" I change the subject. "They should be here soon" Tatiana says as an officer changes the subject which annoys me since I can talk to my sister without any interruptions. I go back to my knitting as a few minutes later I hear the giggles of the little pair. They are quite popular among the officers with Maria's charms and Anastasia's witty jokes, they are very beloved by all.

The hour goes by and we finally decide to go visit the cemetery. We get into the motor car and during the bumpy ride there we fly out of our seats and tatya hits her head against the ceiling of the car. Anastasia and I burst out in laugher as Tatiana rubs her head in annoyance and pain. We get out of the cars and go our separate ways at the cemetery. I visit Ivan's grave while my sister's go the graves of their friends.

I place flowers at his headstone and mutter a prayer. I light him his candle and walk off, giving flowers to the unmarked graves and the graves that seem to get no visits. I wonder if Ivan's family knows he is gone? Are they still awaiting for him to come home? 

We leave the graves in tears, the drive home is silent. Once we get home I see that I got a letter from papa. I open the letter and read what he wrote, he wrote about his time at the front and what our family and friends are up to that are with him. Alexei seems to really like Igor from what papa writes, "He would make a perfect son in law Vanya" I read what papa wrote as I blush. It is true, he would be a perfect son in law. I rite back my letter to papa talking about my day and how it went.

I talk about the charities I went to and express my dislike for Mitya. Papa does not judge my dislike for him unlike Olga or any of my sisters. Once I finish it is time for dinner and I sit down with Mama and my sisters and Sophie and Lili. Mama is filled with tears in her eyes as are all of my sisters huddled together. "What is going on?" I ask as my heart beat goes up. Did someone get hurt? Is papa and baby alright?

"Grigori is dead" the words of Lili ring through my ears like a bell, my greatest enemy is finally dead.

To The End With YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora