C h a p t e r T e n

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Picture: OTMA 1912 or 1911

September 1912
I felt the tingling feelings in my bones and felt my eyes grow heavy. My arms hurt when I moved them and I couldn't think. My face turned into a big frown when Mama walked in dressed for the ball. My sisters were complimenting and surrounding her. Mama enjoyed the praise but Maria turned and looked at me,"Valentina are you feeling ok?". I nodded my head yes as I stood in place trying to move my head up to see them since my eyelids took to long. Mama walked towards me and felt my pulse. "Anna get Dr Botkin."she commanded. Anna left the roomed and I stood with my eyes barely open.

After a few minutes a knock on the door was heard and Anna asked Mama if she could let Dr Botkin in. Mama approved and there stepped in Dr Botkin. He came up to me and started examining me. "Open your eyes wide."he stated. I tried to open them as wide as I could but it took me a while. "Move your arms.". I started to move them but it took a lot of power. "Walk up to that wall.". I started to walked but it took a very long time, like 2 minutes to get to a wall that wasn't far away.

"The medicine is working. She won't be able to move around freely and as quickly as she would, regularly. The shot won't be as bad later as it is now. As well as, she will be in a much more calmer state."Dr Botkin stated. The Grand Duchesses looked at Mama confused. "Thank you Doctor."she smiled as she led him out of the room.

We stood outside of the large ballroom as they announced the name of the king and his family. They had six children. I had no idea about that because I didn't meet them yesterday. While I was passed out in my prison cell they went for dinner to see each other again. Queen Mary let their nurse/ lady in waiting take care of me, Anita.

Each of us Grand Duchesses has an assigned officer to look after us for the night. Thank god for us, it was officers chosen from the Standart. Olga and Tatiana got their officers assigned and waited until everything was done so our parents could enter first. "Make sure to look after her closely we don't want another incident."mama strictly said. Looking over to see who would accompany me was the one and only Misha.

I sighed in relief that it was someone I knew. I smiled and slowly made my way towards him. "Good evening Valentina."he smiled. "Hey"I greeted back. He tried to laugh off the awkwardness so I took his arm and lined up behind Tatiana and the soldier guarding her. She was giggling at something he had said. I asked Misha about his day but didn't pay attention. I looked around and waited for us to enter the ball room. After the King and Queen of England and their children were announced they announced all the other royal families that had come.

When they had called us we enter the ballroom with the people applauding, it was very nicely styled. We stood off to the side and waited for the other families to finally stop being announced so the king could give his speech. It had finally started and soon it was finished. I thanked god it wasn't very long . The annoying part was that shot made me slow and I couldn't move as fast. But I slowly made my way towards mama so I could stand next to her.

I looked over at her. She was so pretty but she wasn't my grandmama. I wish she was here, I wish she could advise me. The dancing had started. I didn't want to dance so I let Misha know if he found a lady friend he wanted to dance with he could go. But he insisted on staying with me although I saw a few ladies in waiting from other royal families making pretty eyes at him.

I was talking to Misha about the weirdest flavors I've tasted in cake when I noticed Marie dancing with a boy around her age. I started giggling and slowly pointed it out. "Valentina it's not nice to point."I heard my mama state. I turned around as fast as I could and saw her looking at me sternly. "I know mama but look Marie is dancing with a small boy."I said looking back at them. "Why wouldn't she? That's your first cousin Louis Mountbatten."she explained. "Oh". I looked at the small boy. He seemed to enjoy dancing with her.

"Come with me, someone wants to see you."Mama stated pulling me away from Misha. I waved goodbye as she pulled me away from him. Her pulling me away was the fastest I've been this past hour. Soon after I left a few ladies in waiting swarmed him. I turned and saw a young man around his late teens or well early twenties speaking with the Tsar. When we came the both of them greeted us. "Valentina this is your cousin Edward, King George and Queen Mary's eldest son."she introduced. I took out my hand for a handshake. I did it before he could try and kiss it. He gave me confused look followed by a sly smile.

"Nicky! Alix!"a voice shouted and the Tsar and Mama turned walking away to the person.  I turned and awkwardly stood there. I looked back for Misha since he was the only friend I had but he was nowhere in sight. "Do you not remember me?"Edward smirked at me. "No, sorry no recollection."I said avoiding eye contact. "How is Russia?"he asked trying to make eye contact. "Cold."I answered. I watched as Tatiana danced with an officer, twirling around the dance floor.

"Do you like dancing?"Edward asked. "No I do not. I just wonder what would it be like to be as pretty and perfect as Tatiana."I answered keeping my eyes on dancing Tatiana. "Well she is very beautiful, but you are equally maybe even more beautiful then your older sister. Did you ever think out that?"he said looking at me. I felt myself blush as Edward smiled accomplishing his quest. "Um... Aren't we cousins?"I questioned. "Yes, but there is nothing wrong with that."he replied taking a step to close. "How old are you again?". "I'm Eighteen."Edward said taking a sip of the drink he held.

"Um, I must go."I apologized and before I could leave Edward quickly asked, "Can we write to one another?" I mentally screamed and gave a short answer, "Sure," Then like a sloth I made my way to find Misha.

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