C h a p t e r F i f t y

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Photo: OTMA 1914

November 1914
"Grand Duchess Valentina!" The man announced my name. I entered the room with everyone's eyes landing on me. I noticed that my Papa stood next to me, we were going to have the first dance. I knew that Papa wasn't going to dance after that because of Mama's health. The music started to play and Papa walked me over to the middle of the dance and we started the first dance. It felt odd having my hair up, I haven't had it up since- I don't remember. "I am so proud of you darling"I heard my Papa say. I smiled at him as our first dance ended and all the guests started to partner up and dance.

"May you do me the honor of having this dance with me?"

I froze because I exactly knew who was standing right behind me. Papa had already gone off to join Mama. I noticed Anastasia laughing at me while Maria looked panicked and flushed. I shot them a glare across the room before turning around, "Hello Cousin" Edward smiled. "Hello" I said pretending to sound calm. I was panicking on the inside. "Yes, lets dance" I politely agreed.

Edward placed his hand on my waist, I placed my hand on his shoulder and we joined our free hands together and we started to dance. We started to waltz around, I felt Edward's eyes on me the whole time, I just looked away. Did Maria ever send that letter? If she didn't then she will end up sleeping on the ground. "You look beautiful tonight cousin" I hear him say, "thank you" I mutter feeling uncomfortable again.

"I enjoy hearing you talk much more then having to write letters, your voice is so unique." Edward tells me. Maria never wrote to him. She never wrote saying that is wasn't me. I was boiling in anger when I realized, Edward can be our way out, he can be the one to help save us, better to keep a positive relationship with him now, it will benefit when aiding to help us.

I felt a sense of pride, I have a solid plan, I will keep this up and save my family. As the song ended I was asked to dance again, this time by someone else. Little did I know that this was the start of the many dances that I will have with men that I did not know.

As I danced throughout the evening I realized how exhausting dancing was. All of these random officials that did not know wanting to dance with me, as I took a water break I heard a familiar voice say, "May I have this dance?" I turned to find Misha. "Of course" I smile.

We danced away, I felt his intense stare on me while I looked away. "I see that you have caught the British princes eye." Misha says, with a hint of bitterness, "Yes well we are quite fond of one another" I lie, why am I lying? Stop acting stupid! "You are? So you plan on courting then?" Misha asks. "Most likely yes" I say carelessly. "Well my Vanya, I am very glad that everything is working out for you." Misha says. "Thank you" I smile as the dance ends.

My feet ache from all the dancing, I just really wish to sit down right now. I watch as my sisters dance with different officers that I don't know. I quickly rush away from the dance floor and run to the corner of the ball room, getting myself something to drink. I chug down a glass of water as I didn't realize who was watching me from the behind, "Tired of dancing cousin?" I heard Edward smirk. I turn around while wiping my face with the back of my hand.

"Dancing with everyone is exhausting" I say, wanting to collapse. "It has been terribly painful to be apart from you this evening, I am glad that I was able to have a chance of dancing with you at all." Is he flirting with me? I feel my face flush, I feel like disappearing. "Well that's nice" is all I say. I sound very ridiculous right now, isn't he that guy that runs away with that American woman?

"Do not be so nervous cousin, I know that we are more used to speaking to each other in writing but that doesn't mean that we can get to know each other while speaking to one another, in person." He steps closer. I look up at him, although I feel very uncomfortable right now, I need him, he is my family's safety ticket. I need to keep this up so that we can be safe. I will be able to live my life peacefully in England and watch as my sisters get to have their own happy endings. In the end it will all be worth it.

"You wish to spend time with me?" I ask him. "Well yes" he sightly blushes. "That's settled then, but you must ask my parents first" I point out, "you should go speak to them right now actually, you shouldn't waste your time." I try to sound convincing. "Of course my darling" he says while excusing himself. I feel much better now, I look around the room as all the couples dance, I can't believe that I'm 16, I can't believe how quickly the time has past, and just yesterday I woke up screaming hysterically at the fact that there were two random girls sleeping in the same room as me.

"Let's dance!" Alexei comes up to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look down at my little brother, "You want to dance with me?" I say pretending to sound shocked. "Yes"he confirms with a bow. I put down my water glass and take his small hand as he leads me to the dance floor. "I am so honored your imperial highness" I say as he blushes,

"Anything for you Vanya, we are both different after all"

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