C h a p t e r F o r t y - E i g h t

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Photo: OTMA and their Mama! 1914

November 1914
"Happy Birthday Valentina!" Evelina exclaimed while opening the curtains to reveal sunlight. I hissed like a vampire and with my eyes still shut I covered my face with my blanket. "If it's my birthday then I should be able to sleep in for God's sake." I bitterly mumbled. "There is no time for that Valentina Nikolaevna! Many people wish to see you today! Also you are officially 16 teen today!" Evelina giggled. I shot up out of bed, I am 16. I ran to the mirror, I was 16 in 2018, I also get to put my hair up today.

I looked sadly at myself. I imaged Ella putting my hair up for the first time. I imaged Grandmama being here. I did my hair leaving it down since I knew that I would put it up at the official ceremony, if there was even going to be one. I got dressed in a long sleeved white dress. We were staying in Crimea for the purpose of Olga's birthday and mine. Her celebration already occurred and now it was my turn. The only thing that was different is that I was having a ball thrown for me. None of our German relatives were going to be there. Our Russian and British relatives were going to be there.

I was not excited because Edward was going to be there, the very man that Maria wrote letters to, thinking that it was me. I got out of my room cranky. I usually woke up around 6:00 but it's 5:30. Like a zombie, I walked to the dining area. Everyone was there, waiting for me. "Good Morning everyone," I muttered taking the only empty seat in between Tatiana and Maria. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALENTINA!!"Maria obnoxiously yelled out, wrapping her hands around me. "Thank you Maria" I patted her. She pulled away with a bright smile. Alexei looked like he was about to explode, "Alexei what is wrong with you?"I asked suspiciously.

"Ohh Mama when are going to tell her?! I can't take it anymore."Alexei cried out with a red face. "I would prefer to give it to her after breakfast."Mama stated with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Quickly! Let's all eat as fast as we can!"Alexei yelled out as he started to stuff his face. I just sat there confused, "What is going on?"

"It's a surprise!" Olga giggled. I sat there eating my breakfast, slowly. I am not a fan of surprises, like the emerald ring on my finger. Once we all finished breakfast Papa and Tatiana both got up. Papa left the room for a second and Tatiana put her hands over my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I trusted my Mama with the surprise since she was a no nonsense kind of person.

I felt something heavy sit on my lap, Tatiana took her hands away, it was a puppy, a small cavalier King Charles spaniel. It wagged it's take at the sight of me. I was taken back, I always wanted a dog. Grandmama would never let me have one. I felt everyone watching for a reaction, I put my hand up to its little black nose and let it sniff me. The puppy licked my finger after sniffing it. The puppy's cost was a bright ruby color. "Do- Do you like him?"Alexei asked.

I looked up at my family, "I-I love him!" I cried out, petting the little excited puppy on my lap. The puppy rolled onto its back as I started to give him a belly rub. "Do you know what you will name him?!" Olga asked. "I looked at the puppy," it's fur color had reminded me of the desert in Arizona. "I think that I will call him Arizona." I laughed as the puppy stuck it's tongue out.

"Arizona?" Maria looked at me confused. "Arizona, like the state in- like a character from a book I read." I explained. "Well I think that it's a lovely name." Tanya supported me. "It's very unique," Anastasia added. "Well it is established then! Welcome to the family little Arizona!" Papa chuckled as he petted the silly dog. "Thank you so much Papa! I always wanted a dog!" I beamed. "You are very welcome my darling! Your Mama helped as well!" He kissed the top of my head. I flashed Mama a grateful smile from across the table.

"Well girlies best to do your homework now since the ball is later tonight." Mama ordered. "Of course Mama! Let's go!"Tatiana said. Before leaving I gave Mama and Papa a kiss on the cheek and let Alexei pet Arizona. We left the table with Arizona in my arms.

After doing homework OTMA and I decided to go outside and play with Arizona and maybe even potty train him. I got on my winter coat, shoes, scarf, hat, and gloves. After we all dressed up Anna watched us with a few guards as we went outside. Snow hasn't fallen yet up it was still very cold. The whole time Arizona ran after me and almost got stepped on multiple times until I took him into my arms as we got to the courtyard. I placed him down next to Anastasia's dog jimmy and watched as the dogs started to greet each other by obnoxiously sniffing one another.

"Well aren't you glad-," Tatiana started to say but I ignored the rest because in front of me, in the exact same spot stood the evil angel. It's mouth wasn't opened yet but it was still staring at me although it had no eye sockets. My surroundings around me went black. I was standing in darkness with the angel.

It pointed at me and the ear piercing sound of it's scaring filled my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, "Go away, Go away," I kept muttering.


I opened my eyes again to find myself in a white room. There stood the good angel and the evil one, side by side. Behind them was a wooden door. "Hello again Valentina." The good angel greeted, something seemed off. I stayed silent, "You must be wondering why you are here?"the good angel predicted, I nodded my head, still shaking in fear.

"Happy sixteenth birthday, as law of fate requires, you have a choice. You can go back to the future and continue your old life in Arizona or stay and save your new family."the good angel explained. I froze, "I-I can go back?"I whispered. "Through this door," the good angel said. I had the option to go back to be with them again. I looked down at my ring and slowly started to turn it, I was able to move it from its place, I was never able to do that before.

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