C h a p t e r O n e

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(Photo above) OTMA and Alexei 1912, white flower day

September 2018
"Honey can you get the old chandelier from the attic?"My grandmother yelled out from down stairs. "Yes!" I yelled out dropping my phone on my bed and getting up. I left my room and walked down the dark hallway until a small string hit my face in the darkness I was in. Stepping back I felt around the wall for a switch and turning the light switch on. Light appeared and the string attached to the attic door stood dangling in front of me. I pulled down on the string and the door opened revealing a staircase. Once the steps hit the floor I started

I climb out to the pitch black room. I turned on the little lightbulb. In the corner of the room stood a pile of boxes stacked on top of each other. I walked towards it and found the chandelier in it's box. Picking it up I put the heavy box near the stairs. Then turning around to search for more items we don't use to sell away in our yard sale.

I walked around and spotted an old wooden jewelry box. It didn't look familiar. It couldn't have been grandmamas she has all her belongings in her room. When I opened it had a name engraved in it. "Mama."I whispered to myself with wide eyes. My mother died after giving birth to me. She had some heart complications is what my grandmother told me. Her very last word was my name, Valentina.

My father died drunk in a car accident shortly after. He was full of grief and left me with my grandmother all the time. He hung out at clubs with junkies and eventually died while having a blackout and driving. I was 6 months old at the time. With my grandmother in despair she promised me a nice humble life. And I had exactly that, living with my grandmother and her cousin Helen.

I was about to open it. "VAL!"my grandmother called out. "I'M COMING!"I yelled back. I quickly scurried getting the box and slowly getting down the stairs with it. After closing the attic I ran downstairs and outside. Long tables were set up with all types of old items from the past. I spotted my grandmama talking to a middle aged man. His face was all red from the sun, wearing long jeans and a red flannel matching his face.

My grandmother turned and smiled at me. I speed walked to her. "So brand new condition?"the man questioned. "Yes, sir only used once."grandmama replied. "Here my granddaughter has it. Valentina can you take it out?"she asked speaking the last part in Russian to me. I nodded my head unboxing the chandelier carefully taking it out. The man observed asking me to turn it. "I'll take it!"he decided.

"Fifty dollars please."grandmama smiled. He handed her the money and I handed the chandelier over. "Have a nice day sir.". The man smiled at her and left. My grandmama turned to me smiling revealing her wrinkles. Her bright blue eyes shining and her short grey hair looking in it's perfect place. "Go see if Auntie Helen needs help."she grinned kissing my cheek. "Yes grandmama.". I ran over to Auntie Helen that was just counting the money the woman gave her.

"Do you need any help Auntie?"I asked sweetly. "No child, I can handle this. Go back inside and I'll call you if anything."She muttered focusing on the count. "Yes Auntie.". I ran back into the house and ran upstairs opening the attic again. I climbed the latter and went up to the jewelry box. I took a old dusty chair and sat down in front of it. I blew the dust away and carefully opened it. It revealed three small drawers. I opened the first one, it contained necklaces. They were all beautifully russian styled.

Mother and Grandmama came from Russia to America. My father came from Ukraine. After my mother's death, Helen came down to live with Grandmama to help her grieve. Later helping raise me.

I opened the second drawer earrings. I examined the jewelry and saw a pair of diamond earnings. Putting them back I opened the final drawer, rings. There were a variety of them. There was a gleaming ruby, a diamond one, and one with her birthstone. The front door slammed shut and I heard chatter. I quickly put everything back in place and closed the jewelry box. "Valentina!"my grandmama called out. I quickly put the chair back and looked around before leaving. I spotted a ring on the floor near the box. I quickly ran and picked it up studying it.

It was emerald green. The emerald was shaped into initials with a crest behind it.


"V.N.R? What does that stand for."I murmured to myself looking at it. I didn't see the ring in the jewelry box."Val! Val?! Are you still in the attic?! What on earth are you doing up there?!"Grandmama called out in confusion looking up the ladder. Panicking I slipped the ring on my ring finger and it fit like a glove. I came up to the ladder leading to the hallway and saw my grandmama standing looking up at me in confusion. "What are you doing up there darling?"she asked. I started climbing down "Oh, nothing just looking around.".

"Well since me and Helen didn't get to cook we are ordering something. What are you in the mood for."Said grandmama. I had my hands behind my back,I felt her piercing stare. I was probably paranoid but I got so nervous and started to sweat a little. If my grandmama would catch me I would be dead. The things left over from my mother were shown or giving me at a certain time. "What about pizza?"I recommend. "That sounds good, pepperoni?". I nodded then she left.

I quickly ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I looked at the ring on my finger. It was probably mother's, I had to take it off before I got into trouble. I tried pulling it off and it didn't work. "Crap it must be stuck.". I went into my bathroom and put soap on it hoping it would come off, but it didn't. I ran it under water and it still didn't work. After trying more crazy ways to take it off it didn't work. I collapsed on my bed looking at  the ceiling.

I shot my right hand in the air and observed the shining ring. "Why can't I get this stupid ring off?"I asked myself out loud with a long sigh. I guess I'll just get in trouble. I must accept my fate."Pizza is here!"Helen yelled from down stairs. I hopped off my bed and ran down the stairs. "Be careful there hun, you might trip."Helen warned while opening the pizza box containing pepperoni. I sat at the island while Auntie Helen and grandmama stood eating pizza already.

I took the juicy slice of pepperoni pizza and bit into it. After swallowing I asked "How much did you guys make?". "A solid amount."Grandmama replied. I nodded my head and continued to eat forgetting about the ring.

"You got yourself a beautiful ring, Val."Grandmama complemented. My heart dropped. "Oh, thanks. Um, do you not recognize it?"I asked nervously. My grandmother raised her eyebrows "No, I have never seen it before. If you're asking it's not mine or your, your mother's . I have been through her jewelry all the time, after-"she stopped with her crackling voice.

Helen looked at her in sympathy. Then she studied my ring "Never seen it before."she said. I swallowed my shock. The ring couldn't have been here before. I was in this house my whole life. My grandmama check the clock hanging above us. "You should start hitting the hay. It's getting late." I nodded leaving the kitchen and went back up stairs. I took a shower and put on my pajamas. I plugged my phone after doing streaks. And went to sleep.

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