C h a p t e r T h r e e

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Photo: Grand Duchess Tatiana 1912

September 1912
I've been kept in a separate room the past week. They call it the sick room. Many people come see me everyday. Doctors, teachers, and maids. I have no idea for what the Tsarina's plan is but it will come to action once this "Father Grigori" will come.

"Valentina! Get ready Father Grigori will be here soon!"exclaimed my maid, Anfisa. I sat there looking confused. How was I supposed to get ready when I have been kept in a bed the whole week? She looked at me and then laughed, "Oh how silly of me! You have been in bed the whole week!". Anfisa was a very energetic person and very bubbly. The doors opened and the Tsarina walked in. All the energy in the room went away and the mood was very sad and gloomy.

Anfisa bowed down to the Tsarina. "Valentina stay rested! Father Grigori will be here very soon. He will help you get better."The Tsarina said with little joy shown in her voice. "Who is Father Grigori?"I asked. "Father Grigori Rasputin."Anfisa answered. "Thank you."the Tsarina said, annoyed by getting cut off. Anfisa put her head down like a dog getting yelled at by it's owner.

"Your majesty! Grigori Rasputin has arrived."the door man announced opening the door came in Rasputin. He is the most mysterious man that ever lived in Russia. No one knew how he calmed down Alexei's hemophilia but he did. And to top that he was a bad man hanging out with prostitutes. "Father Grigori!"The Tsarina exclaimed. "Hello my daughter, what occasion do you call me for this time."Rasputin said ignoring my presence.

"Father let us step outside for a second."the Tsarina stated. They left the room and Anfisa started to straighten out my bed sheets that laid on top of me. "Poor girl! Father Grigori will help you remember who you are! You will remember the strong and fearful ancestors you came from!"Anfisa exclaimed. I sat there looking at her weirdly.

After a few minutes the Tsarina and Rasputin came back. He looked very frightening like in the pictures. He had a long dark beard that matched his dark hair. The only thing that stood out from his mingled skin were his bright eyes. They were not blue nor green but both and that intimidated me. He came up to me and placed his icy cold hand on my forehead. "My daughter you are sick, Let god help you,"Rasputin quietly uttered.

The room was silent. The Tsarina stood behind watching with tears in her eyes. Anna and Anfisa stood next to her. Rasputin then start to pray out loud. After he started to mumble something I could not understand. When he was done he got out the bag he came with and took out two oils, putting it on his hand then mixing it together.

When he finished, he rubbed the oils on my forehead and went down on his knees and started to pray again. After what felt like an hour it ended. He got up on his feet and in a super dramatic fashion, he closed his eyes with a frown on his face. "Father! Have you found out the conflict?"The Tsarina asked desperately. Rasputin turned around and said, "I have a vision. But it's not clear. I must sleep over it.".

"Let me organize a room for your stay."The Tsarina insisted. "No need. I have a place to stay in town.". The Tsarina nodded her head and followed Rasputin as he walked out of the room, leaving me with Anfisa. "He is such a mystical man."she said as she brought me my daily tea. "He's a fraud."I muttered out loud. "Pardon me?"Anfisa questioned. "Never mind."I replied taking a sip of the hot tea.

Anfisa looked at the clock, "Valentina, it's time for your nap.". I finished my tea and got comfortable for my unnecessary nap. Everyone was treating me like I had a cold or a fever. Nothing was wrong with me except the fact that I was somehow in the year 1912. Anfisa covered the windows and turned off the lamp. She took my cup and left the room closing the big double doors behind her.

I couldn't sleep. Many questions ran through my brain. How was this possible? Where is Grandmama and Auntie Helen? Am I dreaming? I closed my eyes and started to day dream about being with my real family. Running to Grandmama's and Auntie Helen's arms. Oh how I missed them. I laid there for a while until I heard the door creek open. I sat up frightened looking at the intruder. There was a silhouette of a tall female, slender figure holding a candle.

"Who are you."I asked loudly. "Shhh! Valentina it's me, Tatiana."the voice whispered. "Tatiana?"I repeated confused. I started to think which daughter she was again. She quickly walked towards me and sat on the side of my bed next to me, putting the candle on the nightstand. "How are you feeling?"she asked. "I'm doing fine I guess.". Tatiana stared at me for a few minutes to long.

"Do you know who I am?"she asked breaking the silence. "Yes, You are Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova Of Russia."I answered. Her blue/grayish eyes looked disappointed at my response. "Did you see Rasputin today?"she asked. I nodded my head yes. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and unexpectedly gave me a squeezing tight hug. "I'm so sorry my darling sister." She sobbed. I hugged her back and froze. Did she just call me her sister? I must be hallucinating because there were only four Romanov daughters.

She pulled away wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Good night my darling."she said as she grabbed her candle and left my room and me with 1 million questions.

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