C h a p t e r T h i r t y - E i g h t

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Photo: The Romanov family visited to Romania. 1914

June 1914
We were waiting to get off the boat, little Alexei was looking down at the people standing below on the land. They were all probably very important officials of the Romanian Royals. I felt myself getting nervous, but what for? I had to convince Olga to marry Carol. It was the only way she would survive and have the power to let the rest of us free from Yekaterinburg. I know he is an ass but all things considered at the end Olga would live.

All of my sisters seem optimistic but they didn't seem as excited as they usually would be on a trip. We were all lined up waiting for Olga. I loved the large hats we had on our heads. It felt as if I was being sheltered from the beaming sun. "It is so hot outside" Anastasia complained using her hat as a fan. "I know I'm dying"I agreed. I never spoke to Anastasia as much as I wanted to but I promised myself I would try in the future.

"We will be inside soon or in a cooled area...I think" Tatiana added, doing the same with her hat. "The sun burn does not help"Maria complained. "Why did we do this again?"I asked, exhausted from standing outside feeling my clothes stick to my sweaty skin. "We did this so we would not look appealing to the Prince or the Romanian family. You heard how he is, you should have been here when they came to visit,"Tatiana explained.

"Even Mashka did not want to talk to him and she talks to everyone,"Anastasia commented. I was surprised, I looked at Marie and she nodded her head in agreement. "He was quite rude and he smelled bad," We all bursted out in laughter at the comment that we barely noticed Olga come up to us. "Hello my darling sisters"she greeted. Tatiana turned to her, "You look so beautiful!" Olga smiled "Thank You Tanya, but you know that nothing will come of this trip?" Tatiana nodded her head. "At least you look pretty"Marie said.

All of us got into order lining up. I was placed next to the big pair. We were ready with our big sun hats and purses. I was nervous, feeling my heartbeat speed up. The first to walk down to land was Mama and Papa with Alexei and a his sailor nanny behind them. Then in was us, the big pair. We walked down from the yachet to land, Land! It was the greatest feeling, to be on land again. I was not very fond of boats.

We greeted some strangers I did not know. I looked at my surroundings and saw that a camera was filming us. An old camera, wow. I thought to myself what was the worst thing that could happen? So I waved at it. Imagining my classmates from 2018 at the weekend Russian school watching this. Would they remember me or would I be forgotten? Would they point out that this random girl that is with the Romanovs looks like me? What happened to my body in 2018? Do I still exist or am I dead? I looked away from the camera and followed Tatiana. We walked over to the stairs of the Romanian palace.

That is where I saw the Queen and King of Romania and their family. We all greeted each other and headed in their palace walls for the official meeting. Queen Marie spoke with Mama and Tatiana. Olga was with Papa and Anastasia, leaving Marie, some girl, and me awkwardly standing around each other. Well it wasn't awkward for my sister, she kept talking to the girl. "It is quite hectic today, isn't it?"she asked me. "Yes, I just can't wait to relax already, these shoes are very tight"I complained. "Vanya, the pictures haven't even started yet!"Marie giggled while I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, I did not catch your name"I said to the girl. "I am Maria of Romania"she introduced herself. I knew this girl from history class, she was the future wife of Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia. I also know that he is quite smitten with Tatiana. But he marries this girl after Tatiana's death. "Wow, there are so many Marie and Maria's here"I joked. Mashka laughed at my comment and Princess Maria just smiled. "How is your mother doing?"Princess Maria asked me. I almost gave a confused glance until Mashka realized what was going on, "Auntie Ella is very busy with Charity work now a days"

I am Grand Duchess Ella's daughter in their eyes. "My mother visits me when ever possible" I stated. "It must hurt the way she abandoned you for the convent life when your Father died" Princess Marie commented. I couldn't tell if she was just being blunt or mean but if I really was Grand Duchess Ella's daughter, it would have really hurt me. "She is doing good work for god's will" I muttered. Maria stood frozen in the conversation, "Well thank goodness that the Tsar and Tsarina came and took you in! You are very lucky"

"Well of course they took our dear Vanya in, she is family! Who would not taken in their family? Valentina is like a third older sister"Mashka spoke up, ending the uncomfortable topic from before. "Valentina!" I turned to see Tatiana calling me. I excused myself and walked over to her, Mama, and Queen Marie. "Valentina you remember Queen Marie," Mama reminded. "Greetings Queen Marie"I bowed. "How polite of you, Valentina Sergeevna," Queen Marie approved. "Let us take a small walk, shall we?" She recommended. I nodded my head as we walked away from my Mama and sister who were busy speaking with the King of Romania and Papa.

"How is your mother doing?" She asked me. "She visits me when possible," I replied.

"You must miss her terribly"the Queen assumed. "Actually she is not around much. I see my Auntie and Uncle more as my parents."I blurted out. The Queen frowned at me, "I would expect a daughter to respect what her late father had sacrificed for her. After all the estates he has left for your comfort. As well as the ungrateful Grand Duchess Maria and Grand Duke Dimitri put a bad reputation on him. Would not a daughter defend her father's honor?"

I took a deep breath, "I never said or meant that. I do miss my Papa terribly and I am grateful for everything he has done for me. I just wish... I wish  that sometimes my mother would not have chosen the convent life but rather want to stay with me and want to get to know her only daughter. It is selfish I know, we all have selfish desires deep down. But I must understand and accept the fact that she chose this life over me and needs to help other people less fornicate then me. I was at least placed in a luxury household."

Queen Marie gave me a saddened glance, "You are quite young but very sharp for your age, I admire that. I pity you, I do not wish for something like this to be inflicted on any child."
"I do not wish the same for anyone either" I agreed. "Your Aunt and Uncle have done a fine job at raising you. Pity we have not met when I was in Russia." she complimented. My face reddened a bit, "Thank you"

"It is time for pictures!"someone announced. I walked the Queen over to the area for pictures. Olga quickly took a seat far away from Carol and had a baby in her hands, Papa sat next to her. Maria sat on the far left. Tatiana sat in between Queen Marie and Mama, Alexei sat with a boy appearing to be his age up front. Carol stood in the back smoking a cigarette with Princess Maria next to him and Anastasia standing on her right. Prince Ferdinand I of Romania stood next to Carol and King Carol I of Romania stood next to Anastasia. There was a spot left in between Mama and my sister Maria. She looked extremely distant from everyone, I sat down next to her.

A few different pictures were taken, some of the children switching palaces. When we finished I walked over to the balcony area to look at the view "Valentina?"I turned to see who was calling me but the evil angel stood 2 feet away from me. I was speechless, why is it here now? "You are going to let them die?" It spoke in a corrupted voice. I didn't say a word, "You left your family for them? How selfish of you!"

"No"I screamed back. It's presence irritated me so much, I never felt this feeling so strongly before, it felt inhuman.

But my yelling made no difference since it started screaming and wailing  at me. I pulled my large sun hat over my face and ears trying to prevent myself from hearing those horrid sounds. I kept yelling stop and shut up, not knowing where I was walking. "Vanya" it taunted me with it's screams. I eventually tripped falling to the ground, quite hard, hitting my head against the concert, hearing screams of panic, but the one thing I was not prepared to hear,

"Valentina Nikolaevna!"

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