C h a p t e r T h i r t y - S i x

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Photo: Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna with officers on the Standart in 1914 on her way to Romania with her family

June 1914
We are on our way to Romania. No one is as excited as I thought that they would be. Olga planned ahead for this trip, she took us out all in the sun and we ended up with sunburns on our faces. I think I know why she did it, she doesn't want to leave Russia and doesn't want any chances of her sisters to leave either.

I thought it was genius of what she planned. She always expressed wanting to stay in Russia when marriage was brought up. And when Maska stated that it would be magnificent if she was queen of a different country Olga insisted that she shouldn't leave because Russia has everything they needed.

When I was away Prince Carol of Romania came and visited Russia. Both families wanted to see if Olga and Carol would get along and maybe even consider marriage. According to Tatiana he was more interested in flirting with anyone else instead of Olga.

We were on the Standart and Olga was talking to Mama while the little pair were around the group of officers fooling around and playing games. Meanwhile Tatiana and I were playing chess, actually Tatiana was teaching me how to play since I don't know how. So far in the game I was losing.

"Vanya! You used to be the best out of all of us at this game! You used to beat anyone who played with you!" Tatiana exclaimed as she took away one of my chess pieces. "Tatiana, you know what happened. You know I can't remember anything before 1912."

"Vanya, um, I don't mean to come off as rude but did you ever try to remember? Maybe if you really tried to remember, you could. I mean you would-," I was starting to get annoyed, I could not remember anything. This was established long ago. How could anyone think this? I cut off Tatiana before I said something that I would have regretted, "I need to be alone, go talk to the others or something,"

I got up from my seat and left to the area of the boat where many less people were around. I looked off into the ocean, no land in sight but different shades of blue. I started to wonder about the Valentina in the past. Was she different? Did we have a different personality? Who was she the most closest to out of all her family members?

My mind started to wonder off and I started to think about 1912 and my first ride on this yacht. Then I started to think, where was Misha? I usually see him around here and this is the first place we met, or at least when I remembered. I wondered what he was up to and if he was on the ship. I could use some company that wasn't my family.

I wondered about Ella and if she hadn't forgotten about me. Was she happy? Did her marriage work out? Does she miss me? I took a deep breath, having my nostrils filled with the salty smelling air. "We always seem to meet here Vanya," I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Misha standing. His uniform was a bit different, as if he was higher ranked then last time I saw him. His hair was still longer then the first time I have met him but it was cut and styled nicely. He looked different but he looked nice. He also didn't look like the boy I met a few years ago anymore.

"Misha!" I exclaimed running over to him for a hug. It was as if I was meeting an old friend again. He seemed taken back from my action but hugged me back. The last time I saw him was in Livadia, at Tatiana's birthday. When we both pulled back from the hug, we immediately sat down talking to each other about anything and everything. Misha was quite funny throwing in a few jokes and telling me how happy he was seeing me healthy again. But he seemed off, like he was wanting to say something but wasn't sure when.

I guessed my laughter was too loud because Maria founded us,"Valentina! Who is this? Where are any of the officers?"

I knew she meant where were any of the officers in charge of watching us but I said nothing. From the tone of her voice I could tell that she was quite happy to catch me talking to a officer since the only people I did talk to are ones from our family. I always showed little interest in boys or I guess 'men'. Maria once asked me about Misha but I dismissed the conversation. Maria was quite a flirt with the officers so I wasn't surprised when she sat in between us and started talking to Misha.

She sat up straight and introduced herself sticking out her hand for him to kiss. Misha did not seemed very stressed at all and introduced himself as well, kissing her hand. Maria seemed satisfied with the interaction and continued to question Misha.

"When did you first meet Valentina?"she asked.

"I met her in this spot two years ago."

"How romantic! I see that our darling Vanya has kept your friendship a secret from us."

"Oh really?" Misha said looking over at me with an amused face. I could tell that he was enjoying the conversation with Maria. I turned my head the other direction to hide my blushing face. I was glad that Maria was sitting between us because she was shielding me from him. I sat playing with my emerald ring as they continued to talk.

"You are quite charming Misha! I'm surprised Vanya hasn't spoken of you before! You should join us with the other officers! You would get to see us more often..." Mashka started. "Maria, lets not interrupt Officer Misha from his break, I didn't think he wanted to spend it talking to a teenage girl. Also he might have a different job on this ship then being a Nanny to little girls," I muttered.

Maria sighed and looked back at Misha, "Well it was nice meeting you! I hope to see you around and reconsider my offer," she got up and left, leaving Misha and me alone again with a big empty space in between us. "I'm really sorry she can be a lot sometimes."I sighed slouching into the bench.

"I didn't mind, I think she is the most outgoing out of all the sisters," Misha said looking over at me.

"That's true! Anastasia right next to her in line. Both are very talkative, Olga is more closed off and Tatiana won't speak much unless she fully trusts you," I agreed.

He smiled at me as we sat in silence. I felt him observing me as I sat on the far right side of the bench. I felt my face grow hot and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I didn't know why I was reacting this way but I heard someone calling my name, probably one of my sisters.

"Bye Misha! I will see you around," I said while getting up to walk back to the populated area of the ship.

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